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A novel event-triggered torque vectoring control for improving lateral stability and communication resource consumption of electric vehicles Journal article
Wong, Pak Kin, Ao, Di. A novel event-triggered torque vectoring control for improving lateral stability and communication resource consumption of electric vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023, 9(1), 2046-2060.
Authors:  Wong, Pak Kin;  Ao, Di
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:14.0/11.2 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Asymptotic Stability  Consumption Of Communication Resource  Convergence  Electric Vehicle  Event-triggered Sliding Mode Control  Hardware-in-the-loop Test  Input-to-state Stability  Lateral Stability  Mathematical Models  Stability Criteria  Tires  Torque  Vehicle Dynamics  
Psychological distress and state boredom during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: the role of meaning in life and media use 中国新冠肺炎疫情期间心理负担和状态无聊的关系:生命意义感和媒体使用的作用 Malestar psicológico y estado de aburrimiento durante el brote covid-19 en China: el papel del significado en la vida y el uso de los medios Journal article
Chao, Miao, Chen, Xueming, Liu, Tour, Yang, Haibo, Hall, Brian J.. Psychological distress and state boredom during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: the role of meaning in life and media use 中国新冠肺炎疫情期间心理负担和状态无聊的关系:生命意义感和媒体使用的作用 Malestar psicológico y estado de aburrimiento durante el brote covid-19 en China: el papel del significado en la vida y el uso de los medios[J]. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2020, 11(1), 1769379.
Authors:  Chao, Miao;  Chen, Xueming;  Liu, Tour;  Yang, Haibo;  Hall, Brian J.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:88 TC[Scopus]:98  IF:4.2/4.9 | Submit date:2021/12/01
Boredom  Covid-19  Disaster  MeanIng In Life  Media Use  Mental Health  • State Boredom DurIng The Outbreak WAs Associated With Psychological DiStress.• DisAster-related Media Use Mediated The Relationship Between State Boredom And Stress And Anxiety.• MeanIng In Life Served As a Risk Factor For The Negative Psychological Outcomes When People Experienced Boredom  
Enfolding Wholes in Parts: Quantum Holography and International Relations Journal article
Pan, Chengxin. Enfolding Wholes in Parts: Quantum Holography and International Relations[J]. European Journal of International Relations, 2020, 26(supplement 1), 14-38.
Authors:  Pan, Chengxin
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:31 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:2.7/4.2 | Submit date:2022/08/09
Relationalism  Quantum Holographic Ontology  David Bohm  The State  Whole-part Duality  International Relations Theory  
Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study Journal article
Haijing Niu, Zhaojun Zhu, Mengjing Wan, Xuanyu Li, Zhen Yuan, Yu Sun, Ying Han. Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study[J]. Neurophotonics, 2019, 6(2), 025010.
Authors:  Haijing Niu;  Zhaojun Zhu;  Mengjing Wan;  Xuanyu Li;  Zhen Yuan; et al.
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:36 TC[Scopus]:34 | Submit date:2022/08/21
CommunicAtion WithIn The BraIn Is Highly Dynamic. AlzheI.e.’s dIseAse (Ad) ExhibIts Dynamic.progression COrrespondIng To a DeclIne In MemOry And Cognition. HoWever, Little Is Known Of wheTher BraIn Dynamic. Are dIsrupted In Ad And Its Prodromal Stage, Mild CognitI.e.impairment (Mci). FOr Our Study, We AcquI.e. High samplIng RAte Functional near-InfrAred Spectroscopy imagIng DAta At Rest From The EntI.e.cOrtex Of 23 pAtients With Ad Dementia, 25 pAtients With Amnestic Mild CognitI.e.impairment (aMci), And 30 age-mAtched Healthy Controls (Hcs). slidIng-wIndow cOrrelAtion And K-means clusterIng Analyses Were Used To Construct Dynamic.Functional Connectivity (Fc) Maps FOr Each Participant. We dIscovered thAt The BraIn’s Dynamic.Fc Variability Strength (q) Significantly IncreAsed In Both aMci And Ad Group As compAred To Hcs. usIng The q Value As a meAsurement, The clAssificAtion perFOrmance ExhibI.e. a Good poWer In differentiAtIng aMci [Area Under The Curve (Auc ¼ 82.5%)] Or Ad (Auc ¼ 86.4%) From Hcs. furThermOre, We Identified Two abnOrmal BraIn Fc stAtes In The Ad Group, Of Which The Occurrence Frequency (f) ExhibI.e. a Significant decreAse FOr The First-level Fc stAte (stAte 1) And a Significant IncreAse FOr The Second-level Fc stAte (stAte 2). We Also Found thAt The abnOrmal f In These Two stAtes Significantly cOrrelAted With The CognitI.e.impairment In pAtients. These fIndIngs provI.e.The First EvI.e.ce To demonstRAte The dIsruptions Of Dynamic.BraIn Connectivity In aMci And Ad And Extend The trAditional stAtic (I.e., tI.e.averaged) Fc fIndIngs In The dIseAse (I.e., dIsconnection Syndrome) And Thus provI.e.Insights InTo UnderstAndIng The pAthophysiological mechanIsms occurrIng In aMci And Ad.  
State-of-the-art social customer relationship management Journal article
Chan,Irene Cheng Chu, Fong,Davis Ka Chio, Law,Rob, Fong,Lawrence Hoc Nang. State-of-the-art social customer relationship management[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2018, 23(5), 423-436.
Authors:  Chan,Irene Cheng Chu;  Fong,Davis Ka Chio;  Law,Rob;  Fong,Lawrence Hoc Nang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:22  IF:4.3/4.4 | Submit date:2019/08/01
Crm  Customer Relationship Management  Review  Social Crm  Social Media  State-of-the-art  
A Pan-Cancer Analysis of Enhancer Expression in Nearly 9000 Patient Samples Journal article
Chen H., Li C., Peng X., Zhou Z., Weinstein J.N., Caesar-Johnson S.J., Demchok J.A., Felau I., Kasapi M., Ferguson M.L., Hutter C.M., Sofia H.J., Tarnuzzer R., Wang Z., Yang L., Zenklusen J.C., Zhang J.J., Chudamani S., Liu J., Lolla L., Naresh R., Pihl T., Sun Q., Wan Y., Wu Y., Cho J., DeFreitas T., Frazer S., Gehlenborg N., Getz G., Heiman D.I., Kim J., Lawrence M.S., Lin P., Meier S., Noble M.S., Saksena G., Voet D., Zhang H., Bernard B., Chambwe N., Dhankani V., Knijnenburg T., Kramer R., Leinonen K., Liu Y., Miller M., Reynolds S., Shmulevich I., Thorsson V., Zhang W., Akbani R., Broom B.M., Hegde A.M., Ju Z., Kanchi R.S., Korkut A., Li J., Liang H., Ling S., Liu W., Lu Y., Mills G.B., Ng K.-S., Rao A., Ryan M., Wang J., Weinstein J.N., Zhang J., Abeshouse A., Armenia J., Chakravarty D., Chatila W.K., de Bruijn I., Gao J., Gross B.E., Heins Z.J., Kundra R., La K., Ladanyi M., Luna A., Nissan M.G., Ochoa A., Phillips S.M., Reznik E., Sanchez-Vega F., Sander C., Schultz N., Sheridan R., Sumer S.O., Sun Y., Taylor B.S., Wang J., Zhang H., Anur P., Peto M., Spellman P., Benz C., Stuart J.M., Wong C.K., Yau C., Hayes D.N., Parker J.S., Wilkerson M.D., Ally A., Balasundaram M., Bowlby R., Brooks D., Carlsen R., Chuah E., Dhalla N., Holt R., Jones S.J.M., Kasaian K., Lee D., Ma Y., Marra M.A., Mayo M., Moore R.A., Mungall A.J., Mungall K., Robertson A.G., Sadeghi S., Schein J.E., Sipahimalani P., Tam A., Thiessen N., Tse K., Wong T., Berger A.C., Beroukhim R., Cherniack A.D., Cibulskis C., Gabriel S.B., Gao G.F., Ha G., Meyerson M., Schumacher S.E., Shih J., Kucherlapati M.H., Kucherlapati R.S., Baylin S., Cope L., Danilova L., Bootwalla M.S., Lai P.H., Maglinte D.T., Van Den Berg D.J., Weisenberger D.J., Auman J.T., Balu S., Bodenheimer T., Fan C., Hoadley K.A., Hoyle A.P., Jefferys S.R., Jones C.D., Meng S., Mieczkowski P.A., Mose L.E., Perou A.H., Perou C.M., Roach J., Shi Y., Simons J.V., Skelly T., Soloway M.G., Tan D., Veluvolu U., Fan H., Hinoue T., Laird P.W., Shen H., Zhou W., Bellair M., Chang K., Covington K., Creighton C.J., Dinh H., Doddapaneni H., Donehower L.A., Drummond J., Gibbs R.A., Glenn R., Hale W., Han Y., Hu J., Korchina V., Lee S., Lewis L., Li W., Liu X., Morgan M., Morton D., Muzny D., Santibanez J., Sheth M., Shinbrot E., Wang L., Wang M., Wheeler D.A., Xi L., Zhao F., Hess J., Appelbaum E.L., Bailey M., Cordes M.G., Ding L., Fronick C.C., Fulton L.A., Fulton R.S., Kandoth C., Mardis E.R., McLellan M.D., Miller C.A., Schmidt H.K., Wilson R.K., Crain D., Curley E., Gardner J., Lau K., Mallery D., Morris S., Paulauskis J., Penny R., Shelton C., Shelton T., Sherman M., Thompson E., Yena P., Bowen J., Gastier-Foster J.M., Gerken M., Leraas K.M., Lichtenberg T.M., Ramirez N.C., Wise L., Zmuda E., Corcoran N., Costello T., Hovens C., Carvalho A.L., de Carvalho A.C., Fregnani J.H., Longatto-Filho A., Reis R.M., Scapulatempo-Neto C., Silveira H.C.S., Vidal D.O., Burnette A., Eschbacher J., Hermes B., Noss A., Singh R., Anderson M.L., Castro P.D., Ittmann M., Huntsman D., Kohl B., Le X., Thorp R., Andry C., Duffy E.R., Lyadov V., Paklina O., Setdikova G., Shabunin A., Tavobilov M., McPherson C., Warnick R., Berkowitz R., Cramer D., Feltmate C., Horowitz N., Kibel A., Muto M., Raut C.P., Malykh A., Barnholtz-Sloan J.S., Barrett W., Devine K., Fulop J., Ostrom Q.T., Shimmel K., Wolinsky Y., Sloan A.E., De Rose A., Giuliante F., Goodman M., Karlan B.Y., Hagedorn C.H., Eckman J., Harr J., Myers J., Tucker K., Zach L.A., Deyarmin B., Hu H., Kvecher L., Larson C., Mural R.J., Somiari S., Vicha A., Zelinka T., Bennett J., Iacocca M., Rabeno B., Swanson P., Latour M., Lacombe L., Tetu B., Bergeron A., McGraw M., Staugaitis S.M., Chabot J., Hibshoosh H., Sepulveda A., Su T., Wang T., Potapova O., Voronina O., Desjardins L., Mariani O., Roman-Roman S., Sastre X., Stern M.-H., Cheng F., Signoretti S., Berchuck A., Bigner D., Lipp E., Marks J., McCall S., McLendon R., Secord A., Sharp A., Behera M., Brat D.J., Chen A., Delman K., Force S., Khuri F., Magliocca K., Maithel S., Olson J.J., Owonikoko T., Pickens A., Ramalingam S., Shin D.M., Sica G., Van Meir E.G., Zhang H., Eijckenboom W., Gillis A., Korpershoek E., Looijenga L., Oosterhuis W., Stoop H., van Kessel K.E., Zwarthoff E.C., Calatozzolo C., Cuppini L., Cuzzubbo S., DiMeco F., Finocchiaro G., Mattei L., Perin A., Pollo B., Chen C., Houck J., Lohavanichbutr P., Hartmann A., Stoehr C., Stoehr R., Taubert H., Wach S., Wullich B., Kycler W., Murawa D., Wiznerowicz M., Chung K., Edenfield W.J., Martin J., Baudin E., Bubley G., Bueno R., De Rienzo A., Richards W.G., Kalkanis S., Mikkelsen T., Noushmehr H., Scarpace L., Girard N., Aymerich M., Campo E., Gine E., Guillermo A.L., Van Bang N., Hanh P.T., Phu B.D., Tang Y., Colman H., Evason K., Dottino P.R., Martignetti J.A., Gabra H., Juhl H., Akeredolu T., Stepa S., Hoon D., Ahn K., Kang K.J., Beuschlein F., Breggia A., Birrer M., Bell D., Borad M., Bryce A.H., Castle E., Chandan V., Cheville J., Copland J.A., Farnell M., Flotte T., Giama N., Ho T., Kendrick M., Kocher J.-P., Kopp K., Moser C., Nagorney D., O'Brien D., O'Neill B.P., Patel T., Petersen G., Que F., Rivera M., Roberts L., Smallridge R., Smyrk T., Stanton M., Thompson R.H., Torbenson M., Yang J.D., Zhang L., Brimo F., Ajani J.A., Gonzalez A.M.A., Behrens C., Bondaruk J., Broaddus R., Czerniak B., Esmaeli B., Fujimoto J., Gershenwald J., Guo C., Lazar A.J., Logothetis C., Meric-Bernstam F., Moran C., Ramondetta L., Rice D., Sood A., Tamboli P., Thompson T., Troncoso P., Tsao A., Wistuba I., Carter C., Haydu L., Hersey P., Jakrot V., Kakavand H., Kefford R., Lee K., Long G., Mann G., Quinn M., Saw R., Scolyer R., Shannon K., Spillane A., Stretch J., Synott M., Thompson J., Wilmott J., Al-Ahmadie H., Chan T.A., Ghossein R., Gopalan A., Levine D.A., Reuter V., Singer S., Singh B., Tien N.V., Broudy T., Mirsaidi C., Nair P., Drwiega P., Miller J., Smith J., Zaren H., Park J.-W., Hung N.P., Kebebew E., Linehan W.M., Metwalli A.R., Pacak K., Pinto P.A., Schiffman M., Schmidt L.S., Vocke C.D., Wentzensen N., Worrell R., Yang H., Moncrieff M., Goparaju C., Melamed J., Pass H., Botnariuc N., Caraman I., Cernat M., Chemencedji I., Clipca A., Doruc S., Gorincioi G., Mura S., Pirtac M., Stancul I., Tcaciuc D., Albert M., Alexopoulou I., Arnaout A., Bartlett J., Engel J., Gilbert S., Parfitt J., Sekhon H., Thomas G., Rassl D.M., Rintoul R.C., Bifulco C., Tamakawa R., Urba W., Hayward N., Timmers H., Antenucci A., Facciolo F., Grazi G., Marino M., Merola R., de Krijger R., Gimenez-Roqueplo A.-P., Piche A., Chevalier S., McKercher G., Birsoy K., Barnett G., Brewer C., Farver C., Naska T., Pennell N.A., Raymond D., Schilero C., Smolenski K., Williams F., Morrison C., Borgia J.A., Liptay M.J., Pool M., Seder C.W., Junker K., Omberg L., Dinkin M., Manikhas G., Alvaro D., Bragazzi M.C., Cardinale V., Carpino G., Gaudio E., Chesla D., Cottingham S., Dubina M., Moiseenko F., Dhanasekaran R., Becker K.-F., Janssen K.-P., Slotta-Huspenina J., Abdel-Rahman M.H., Aziz D., Bell S., Cebulla C.M., Davis A., Duell R., Elder J.B., Hilty J., Kumar B., Lang J., Lehman N.L., Mandt R., Nguyen P., Pilarski R., Rai K., Schoenfield L., Senecal K., Wakely P., Hansen P., Lechan R., Powers J., Tischler A., Grizzle W.E., Sexton K.C., Kastl A., Henderson J., Porten S., Waldmann J., Fassnacht M., Asa S.L., Schadendorf D., Couce M., Graefen M., Huland H., Sauter G., Schlomm T., Simon R., Tennstedt P., Olabode O., Nelson M., Bathe O., Carroll P.R., Chan J.M., Disaia P., Glenn P., Kelley R.K., Landen C.N., Phillips J., Prados M., Simko J., Smith-McCune K., VandenBerg S., Roggin K., Fehrenbach A., Kendler A., Sifri S., Steele R., Jimeno A., Carey F., Forgie I., Mannelli M., Carney M., Hernandez B., Campos B., Herold-Mende C., Jungk C., Unterberg A., von Deimling A., Bossler A., Galbraith J., Jacobus L., Knudson M., Knutson T., Ma D., Milhem M., Sigmund R., Godwin A.K., Madan R., Rosenthal H.G., Adebamowo C., Adebamowo S.N., Boussioutas A., Beer D., Giordano T., Mes-Masson A.-M., Saad F., Bocklage T., Landrum L., Mannel R., Moore K., Moxley K., Postier R., Walker J., Zuna R., Feldman M., Valdivieso F., Dhir R., Luketich J., Pinero E.M.M., Quintero-Aguilo M., Carlotti C.G., Dos Santos J.S., Kemp R., Sankarankuty A., Tirapelli D., Catto J., Agnew K., Swisher E., Creaney J., Robinson B., Shelley C.S., Godwin E.M., Kendall S., Shipman C., Bradford C., Carey T., Haddad A., Moyer J., Peterson L., Prince M., Rozek L., Wolf G., Bowman R., Fong K.M., Yang I., Korst R., Rathmell W.K., Fantacone-Campbell J.L., Hooke J.A., Kovatich A.J., Shriver C.D., DiPersio J., Drake B., Govindan R., Heath S., Ley T., Van Tine B., Westervelt P., Rubin M.A., Lee J.I., Aredes N.D., Mariamidze A., Liang H.. A Pan-Cancer Analysis of Enhancer Expression in Nearly 9000 Patient Samples[J]. Cell, 2018, 173(2), 386-399.e12.
Authors:  Chen H.;  Li C.;  Peng X.;  Zhou Z.;  Weinstein J.N.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:206 TC[Scopus]:208 | Submit date:2019/01/16
Aneuploidy  Chromatin State  Enhancer Expression  Mutation Burden  Pan-cancer Analysis  Pd-l1 Expression  Prognostic Markers  The Cancer Genome Atlas  
Media as a core political resource: the young feminist* movements in China Journal article
Li, Jun, Li, Xiaoqin. Media as a core political resource: the young feminist* movements in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2017, 10(1), 54-71.
Authors:  Li, Jun;  Li, Xiaoqin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:49 TC[Scopus]:53 | Submit date:2022/07/30
Young Feminist Movement  Market-oriented Media Reform  Women Non-governmental Organizations (Ngos)  Tripartite Relationship Between The State, Media And Social Movement  Resource Mobilization  
Media as a core political resource: the young feminist movements in China Journal article
Li,Jun, Li,Xiaoqin. Media as a core political resource: the young feminist movements in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2017, 10(1), 54-71.
Authors:  Li,Jun;  Li,Xiaoqin
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:49 TC[Scopus]:53 | Submit date:2019/06/18
Market-oriented Media Reform  Resource Mobilization  Tripartite Relationship Between The State  Women Non-governmental Organizations (Ngos)  Young Feminist Movement  Media And Social Movement  
Media as a core political resource: the young feminist movements in China. Journal article
Li, X. Q., Li, J.. Media as a core political resource: the young feminist movements in China.[J]. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2017, 54-71.
Authors:  Li, X. Q.;  Li, J.
Favorite |   IF:2.1/3.4 | Submit date:2022/08/30
young feminist movement  market-oriented media reform  women non-governmental organizations (NGOs)  resource mobilization  tripartite relationship between the state  media and social movement  
Globalization and Social Conflict in China Journal article
YONGNIAN ZHENG, YANG ZHANG. Globalization and Social Conflict in China[J]. Issues & Studies, 2006, 42(2), 85-129.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4   IF:0.8/0 | Submit date:2019/11/01
China  Globalization  The State  Income Disparities  Social Conflict