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A review of cutting-edge therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma (Hcc): Perspectives from patents Journal article
Gao, Yan, Lyu, Liyang, Feng, Ye, Li, Fei, Hu, Yuanjia. A review of cutting-edge therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma (Hcc): Perspectives from patents[J]. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021, 18(14), 3066-3081.
Authors:  Gao, Yan;  Lyu, Liyang;  Feng, Ye;  Li, Fei;  Hu, Yuanjia
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:3.2/3.4 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Ablation  Trans Artery Chemoembolization (Tace)  Radiotherapy  T-cell  Notch Pathway