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High-Performance Red Transparent Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes via Fully Solution-Processed MXene/Ag NWs Top Electrode Journal article
Su, Daojian, Ding, Ting, Gao, Peili, Liu, Hang, Song, Yinman, Yuan, Guoqiang, He, Xin, Meng, Fanyuan, Wang, Shuangpeng. High-Performance Red Transparent Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes via Fully Solution-Processed MXene/Ag NWs Top Electrode[J]. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2024, 16(40), 54189-54198.
Authors:  Su, Daojian;  Ding, Ting;  Gao, Peili;  Liu, Hang;  Song, Yinman; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:8.3/8.7 | Submit date:2024/11/05
Transparent Electrodes  Mxene  Silver Nanowires  Interface Engineering  Organic Light-emitting Diodes  
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the glass catfish ( Kryptopterus vitreolus) reveals molecular clues to its transparent phenotype Journal article
Bian, Chao, Li, Rui Han, Ruan, Zhi Qiang, Chen, Wei Ting, Huang, Yu, Liu, Li Yue, Zhou, Hong Ling, Chong, Cheong Meng, Mu, Xi Dong, Shi, Qiong. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the glass catfish ( Kryptopterus vitreolus) reveals molecular clues to its transparent phenotype[J]. Zoological research, 2024, 45(5), 1027-1036.
Authors:  Bian, Chao;  Li, Rui Han;  Ruan, Zhi Qiang;  Chen, Wei Ting;  Huang, Yu; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.0/4.5 | Submit date:2024/09/03
Glass Catfish  Whole-genome Sequencing  Edn3b−/− Mutant  Transparent Phenotype  
Sparse Enhanced Network: An Adversarial Generation Method for Robust Augmentation in Sequential Recommendation Conference paper
Chen, Junyang, Zou, Guoxuan, Zhou, Pan, Yirui, Wu, Chen, Zhenghan, Su, Houcheng, Wang, Huan, Gong, Zhiguo. Sparse Enhanced Network: An Adversarial Generation Method for Robust Augmentation in Sequential Recommendation[C], 2024, 8283-8291.
Authors:  Chen, Junyang;  Zou, Guoxuan;  Zhou, Pan;  Yirui, Wu;  Chen, Zhenghan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Dmkm: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community  Dmkm: Anomaly/outlier Detection  Dmkm: Recommender Systems  Ml: Deep Learning Algorithms  Ml: Deep Learning Theory  Ml: Graph-based Machine Learning  Ml: Semi-supervised Learning  Ml: Transparent, Interpretable, Explainable Ml  Ml: Unsupervised & Self-supervised Learning  
Recent trends in the transfer of graphene films Journal article
Zhu, Yaqi, Shi, Zhuofeng, Zhao, Yixuan, Bu, Saiyu, Hu, Zhaoning, Liao, Junhao, Lu, Qi, Zhou, Chaofan, Guo, Bingbing, Shang, Mingpeng, Li, Fangfang, Xu, Zhiying, Zhang, Jialin, Xie, Qin, Li, Chunhu, Sun, Pengzhan, Mao, Boyang, Zhang, Xiaodong, Liu, Zhongfan, Lin, Li. Recent trends in the transfer of graphene films[J]. Nanoscale, 2024, 16(16), 7862-7873.
Authors:  Zhu, Yaqi;  Shi, Zhuofeng;  Zhao, Yixuan;  Bu, Saiyu;  Hu, Zhaoning; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:5.8/6.1 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Single-layer Graphene  Large-area  2-dimensional Materials  Monolayer Graphene  Cvd Graphene  Transparent  Permeation  Growth  Copper  Water  
Low-cost preparation of durable, transparent, superhydrophobic coatings with excellent environmental stability and self-cleaning function Journal article
Li, Mingjie, Luo, Wenxin, Sun, Haoyang, Zhang, Mingxiang, Ng, Kar Wei, Wang, Fei, Cheng, Xing. Low-cost preparation of durable, transparent, superhydrophobic coatings with excellent environmental stability and self-cleaning function[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 438, 128367.
Authors:  Li, Mingjie;  Luo, Wenxin;  Sun, Haoyang;  Zhang, Mingxiang;  Ng, Kar Wei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:51 TC[Scopus]:31  IF:5.3/4.9 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Silica Nanoparticles  Epoxy  Superhydrophobic  Transparent  Surfaces  
High-Efficiency Flexible Organic Photovoltaics and Thermoelectricities Based on Thionyl Chloride Treated PEDOT:PSS Electrodes Journal article
Wan, Juanyong, Fan, Xi, Li, Yunfei, Li, Pengcheng, Zhang, Ting, Hui, Kwun Nam, Huang, Huihui, Kang, Kai, Qian, Lei. High-Efficiency Flexible Organic Photovoltaics and Thermoelectricities Based on Thionyl Chloride Treated PEDOT:PSS Electrodes[J]. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 9, 807538.
Authors:  Wan, Juanyong;  Fan, Xi;  Li, Yunfei;  Li, Pengcheng;  Zhang, Ting; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:3.8/4.8 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Conducting Polymer  Flexible Transparent Electrode  Organic Solar Cell  Pedot:Pss  Thermoelectricity  
Seeing by proxy: Specifying “professional vision” Journal article
Carlin, Andrew P., Marques, Joana B.V., Moutinho, Ricardo. Seeing by proxy: Specifying “professional vision”[J]. Learning Culture and Social Interaction, 2021, 30, 100532.
Authors:  Carlin, Andrew P.;  Marques, Joana B.V.;  Moutinho, Ricardo
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:2.0/2.0 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Astronomy Education  Instruction  Perspicuous Settings  Professional Vision  Sunspots  Telescope  Transparent Vision  
Solution-Processed Transparent Conducting Electrodes for Flexible Organic Solar Cells with 16.61% Efficiency Journal article
Wan,Juanyong, Xia,Yonggao, Fang,Junfeng, Zhang,Zhiguo, Xu,Bingang, Wang,Jinzhao, Ai,Ling, Song,Weijie, Hui,Kwun Nam, Fan,Xi, Li,Yongfang. Solution-Processed Transparent Conducting Electrodes for Flexible Organic Solar Cells with 16.61% Efficiency[J]. Nano-Micro Letters, 2021, 13(1).
Authors:  Wan,Juanyong;  Xia,Yonggao;  Fang,Junfeng;  Zhang,Zhiguo;  Xu,Bingang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:100 TC[Scopus]:103  IF:31.6/26.0 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Flexible Organic Solar Cell  Pedot:Pss  Solution Processing  Solution-processed Transparent Conducting Electrode  Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid Doping  
High‐Performance Semitransparent and Bifacial Perovskite Solar Cells with MoOx/Ag/WOx as the Rear Transparent Electrode Journal article
Liang, F, Ying, Z, Lin, Y, Tu, B, Zhang, Z, Zhu, Y, Pan, H., Li, H., Luo, L, Ageev, O, He, Z. High‐Performance Semitransparent and Bifacial Perovskite Solar Cells with MoOx/Ag/WOx as the Rear Transparent Electrode[J]. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 2000591-2000591.
Authors:  Liang, F;  Ying, Z;  Lin, Y;  Tu, B;  Zhang, Z; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:32 TC[Scopus]:35  IF:4.3/5.2 | Submit date:2022/08/11
High‐performance SemiTransparent And Bifacial Perovskite Solar Cells With Moox/ag/wox As The Rear Transparent Electrode  
The role of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in membrane fouling: A critical review Review article
Authors:  Meng, Shujuan;  Meng, Xianghao;  Fan, Wenhong;  Liang, Dawei;  Wang, Liang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:143 TC[Scopus]:157  IF:11.4/12.2 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Common Cations  Interaction Of Polysaccharide  Membrane Fouling  Transparent Exopolymer Particles