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Stochastic Unit Commitment with High-Penetration Offshore Wind Power Generation in Typhoon Scenarios Journal article
Yanqi Liu, Dundun Liu, Hongcai Zhang. Stochastic Unit Commitment with High-Penetration Offshore Wind Power Generation in Typhoon Scenarios[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2024, 12(2), 535-546.
Authors:  Yanqi Liu;  Dundun Liu;  Hongcai Zhang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2023/07/19
Unit Commitment  Two-stage Stochastic Programming  Offshore Wind Farm  Typhoon  
A Two-Stage Framework for Exploiting the Multi-Elasticity of Multi-Energy Demands in Integrated Electricity and Gas Markets Journal article
Liang,Ziyang, Bao,Minglei, Ding,Yi, Hou,Yanqiu, Song,Yonghua. A Two-Stage Framework for Exploiting the Multi-Elasticity of Multi-Energy Demands in Integrated Electricity and Gas Markets[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024, 39(2), 3196 - 3210.
Authors:  Liang,Ziyang;  Bao,Minglei;  Ding,Yi;  Hou,Yanqiu;  Song,Yonghua
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:6.5/7.4 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Integrated Electricity And Gas Markets  Market Clearing  Multi-elasticity Demands  Two-stage Market Framework  Volume-price Bidding Curve  
A 7–13 GHz 10 W High-Efficiency MMIC Power Amplifier in 0.25 µm GaN HEMT Process Journal article
Hu, Aizhen, Leng, Yongqing, Qiu, Xin, Luan, Tongyao, Peng, Yatao. A 7–13 GHz 10 W High-Efficiency MMIC Power Amplifier in 0.25 µm GaN HEMT Process[J]. Applied Sciences- Basel, 2022, 12(21), 10872.
Authors:  Hu, Aizhen;  Leng, Yongqing;  Qiu, Xin;  Luan, Tongyao;  Peng, Yatao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.5/2.7 | Submit date:2022/12/01
7–13 Ghz  High Efficiency  Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit  Power Amplifier  Two-stage  
Two-stage knowledge transfer framework for image classification Journal article
Zhou,Jianhang, Zeng,Shaoning, Zhang,Bob. Two-stage knowledge transfer framework for image classification[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2020, 107, 107529.
Authors:  Zhou,Jianhang;  Zeng,Shaoning;  Zhang,Bob
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:7.5/7.6 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Image Classification  Sparse Representation  Teacher-student Model  Two-stage Classification  
A Robust and Efficient Two-Stage Algorithm for Power Flow Calculation of Large-Scale Systems Journal article
Tang,Kunjie, Dong,Shufeng, Shen,Jie, Zhu,Chengzhi, Song,Yonghua. A Robust and Efficient Two-Stage Algorithm for Power Flow Calculation of Large-Scale Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(6), 5012-5022.
Authors:  Tang,Kunjie;  Dong,Shufeng;  Shen,Jie;  Zhu,Chengzhi;  Song,Yonghua
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:35  IF:6.5/7.4 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Ill-conditioned  Large-scale  Power Flow Calculation  Robustness  Trust-region. Two-stage Algorithm  
Design and Optimization of a New 3-DOF Energy HarvesterWith Single Piezoelectric Stack Conference paper
Wu, Z.H., Xu, Q.. Design and Optimization of a New 3-DOF Energy HarvesterWith Single Piezoelectric Stack[C]:IEEE, ASME, 2019, 424-429.
Authors:  Wu, Z.H.;  Xu, Q.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/15
Energy harvesting  piezoelectric device  two-stage force amplifier  mechanical design  
Empirical demand systems incorporating intertemporal consumption dynamics Journal article
Kim,H. Youn, McLaren,Keith R., Wong,K. K.Gary. Empirical demand systems incorporating intertemporal consumption dynamics[J]. Empirical Economics, 2019, 45(1), 349-370.
Authors:  Kim,H. Youn;  McLaren,Keith R.;  Wong,K. K.Gary
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/06/26
Demand Systems  Euler Equation  Intertemporal Two-stage Budgeting  
Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study Journal article
Haijing Niu, Zhaojun Zhu, Mengjing Wan, Xuanyu Li, Zhen Yuan, Yu Sun, Ying Han. Abnormal dynamic functional connectivity and brain states in Alzheimer’s diseases: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study[J]. Neurophotonics, 2019, 6(2), 025010.
Authors:  Haijing Niu;  Zhaojun Zhu;  Mengjing Wan;  Xuanyu Li;  Zhen Yuan; et al.
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CommunicAtion WithIn The BraIn Is Highly Dynamic. AlzheI.e.’s dIseAse (Ad) ExhibIts Dynamic.progression COrrespondIng To a DeclIne In MemOry And Cognition. HoWever, Little Is Known Of wheTher BraIn Dynamic. Are dIsrupted In Ad And Its Prodromal Stage, Mild CognitI.e.impairment (Mci). FOr Our Study, We AcquI.e. High samplIng RAte Functional near-InfrAred Spectroscopy imagIng DAta At Rest From The EntI.e.cOrtex Of 23 pAtients With Ad Dementia, 25 pAtients With Amnestic Mild CognitI.e.impairment (aMci), And 30 age-mAtched Healthy Controls (Hcs). slidIng-wIndow cOrrelAtion And K-means clusterIng Analyses Were Used To Construct Dynamic.Functional Connectivity (Fc) Maps FOr Each Participant. We dIscovered thAt The BraIn’s Dynamic.Fc Variability Strength (q) Significantly IncreAsed In Both aMci And Ad Group As compAred To Hcs. usIng The q Value As a meAsurement, The clAssificAtion perFOrmance ExhibI.e. a Good poWer In differentiAtIng aMci [Area Under The Curve (Auc ¼ 82.5%)] Or Ad (Auc ¼ 86.4%) From Hcs. furThermOre, We Identified Two abnOrmal BraIn Fc stAtes In The Ad Group, Of Which The Occurrence Frequency (f) ExhibI.e. a Significant decreAse FOr The First-level Fc stAte (stAte 1) And a Significant IncreAse FOr The Second-level Fc stAte (stAte 2). We Also Found thAt The abnOrmal f In These Two stAtes Significantly cOrrelAted With The CognitI.e.impairment In pAtients. These fIndIngs provI.e.The First EvI.e.ce To demonstRAte The dIsruptions Of Dynamic.BraIn Connectivity In aMci And Ad And Extend The trAditional stAtic (I.e., tI.e.averaged) Fc fIndIngs In The dIseAse (I.e., dIsconnection Syndrome) And Thus provI.e.Insights InTo UnderstAndIng The pAthophysiological mechanIsms occurrIng In aMci And Ad.  
Numerical study on the flow characteristics of a throttle with a movable seat in water hydraulics Conference paper
Yang,Yousheng, Xue,Hongli, Zhao,Jing. Numerical study on the flow characteristics of a throttle with a movable seat in water hydraulics[C]:IEEE, 2019, 302-308.
Authors:  Yang,Yousheng;  Xue,Hongli;  Zhao,Jing
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Cavitation  Flow Characteristics  Two-stage Movable Seat  Water Hydraulics  
Consumption dynamics in inverse demand systems: an application to meat and fish demand in Korea Journal article
Wong,K. K.Gary, Park,Hoanjae. Consumption dynamics in inverse demand systems: an application to meat and fish demand in Korea[J]. Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom), 2018, 49(6), 777-786.
Authors:  Wong,K. K.Gary;  Park,Hoanjae
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/06/26
D11  D12  D9  Euler Equation  Flexibilities  Intertemporal Two-stage Budgeting Process  Inverse Demands  Korea