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Female student athletes’ perceptions of acceptability and the occurrence of sexual-related behaviour by their coaches in India Journal article
Ahmed,Md Dilsad, van Niekerk,Rudolph Leon, Ho,Walter King Yan, Morris,Tony, Baker,Thomas, Ali Khan,Babar, Tetso,Abe. Female student athletes’ perceptions of acceptability and the occurrence of sexual-related behaviour by their coaches in India[J]. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 2018, 42(1), 33-53.
Authors:  Ahmed,Md Dilsad;  van Niekerk,Rudolph Leon;  Ho,Walter King Yan;  Morris,Tony;  Baker,Thomas; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:1.1/1.3 | Submit date:2019/08/14
Harassment  Perception Of Sexual Abuse  Principal Component Analysis  Unacceptable Behaviour In Sport  Varimax Rotation