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The effects of polypropylene microplastics on the DBP formation under the chlorination and chloramination processes Journal article
Tianwei Hao, Manhong Miao, Xuhua Cheng, Yuanyuan Dou, Min Zhang, Yao Li. The effects of polypropylene microplastics on the DBP formation under the chlorination and chloramination processes[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 303, 135102.
Authors:  Tianwei Hao;  Manhong Miao;  Xuhua Cheng;  Yuanyuan Dou;  Min Zhang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:8.1/7.7 | Submit date:2022/06/13
Chlorination  Disinfection By-products  Microplastics  Water Chemistry  
CaCO3 coated nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for the removal of chromium(VI) in aqueous solution Journal article
Cheng, Yujun, Dong, Haoran, Hao, Tianwei. CaCO3 coated nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for the removal of chromium(VI) in aqueous solution[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 257, 117967.
Authors:  Cheng, Yujun;  Dong, Haoran;  Hao, Tianwei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:53 TC[Scopus]:75  IF:8.1/7.6 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Aging  Caco3  Chromium  Nanoscale Zero-valent Iron  Water Chemistry  
Guest Exchange by a Partial Energy Ratchet in Water Journal article
Yang,Xue, Cheng,Qian, Monnier,Valerie, Charles,Laurence, Karoui,Hakim, Ouari,Olivier, Gigmes,Didier, Wang,Ruibing, Kermagoret,Anthony, Bardelang,David. Guest Exchange by a Partial Energy Ratchet in Water[J]. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2020, 60(12), 6617-6623.
Authors:  Yang,Xue;  Cheng,Qian;  Monnier,Valerie;  Charles,Laurence;  Karoui,Hakim; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:25  IF:16.1/16.2 | Submit date:2021/03/02
Cucurbituril  Host–guest Interactions  Ratchet  Supramolecular Chemistry  Water