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Damage Quantification and Identification in Structural Joints through Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Features and an Inverse Bayesian Scheme Journal article
Wu,Wen, Cantero-Chinchilla,Sergio, Yan,Wang Ji, Chiachio Ruano,Manuel, Remenyte-Prescott,Rasa, Chronopoulos,Dimitrios. Damage Quantification and Identification in Structural Joints through Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Features and an Inverse Bayesian Scheme[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23(8), 4160.
Authors:  Wu,Wen;  Cantero-Chinchilla,Sergio;  Yan,Wang Ji;  Chiachio Ruano,Manuel;  Remenyte-Prescott,Rasa; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:3.4/3.7 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Bayesian Inference  Damage Identification  Guided Waves  Hybrid Wave And Finite Element  Joints/bounded Structures  Surrogate Model  
A fast Bayesian inference scheme for identification of local structural properties of layered composites based on wave and finite element-assisted metamodeling strategy and ultrasound measurements Journal article
Wang-Ji Yan, Dimitrios Chronopoulos, Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla, Ka-Veng Yuen, Costas Papadimitriou. A fast Bayesian inference scheme for identification of local structural properties of layered composites based on wave and finite element-assisted metamodeling strategy and ultrasound measurements[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 143, 106802.
Authors:  Wang-Ji Yan;  Dimitrios Chronopoulos;  Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla;  Ka-Veng Yuen;  Costas Papadimitriou
Favorite | TC[WOS]:25 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:7.9/8.0 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Ultrasonic Guided Waves  Wave And Finite Element  Bayesian Analysis  Composite Structure  Uncertainty Quantification  Metamodeling