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Low-toxicity FePt nanoparticles for the targeted and enhanced diagnosis of breast tumors using few centimeters deep whole-body photoacoustic imaging Journal article
Liu,Yubin, Wu,Pei Chun, Guo,Sen, Chou,Pi Tai, Deng,Chuxia, Chou,Shang Wei, Yuan,Zhen, Liu,Tzu Ming. Low-toxicity FePt nanoparticles for the targeted and enhanced diagnosis of breast tumors using few centimeters deep whole-body photoacoustic imaging[J]. Photoacoustics, 2020, 19, 100179.
Authors:  Liu,Yubin;  Wu,Pei Chun;  Guo,Sen;  Chou,Pi Tai;  Deng,Chuxia; et al.
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Breast Cancer  Fept Nanoparticles  Imaging Depth  Whole-body Photoacoustic Imaging