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What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis Journal article
Xinghua Wang, Qian Liu, Hui Pang, Seng Chee Tan, Jun Lei, Matthew P. Wallace, Linlin Li. What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis[J]. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2023, 194, 104703.
Authors:  Xinghua Wang;  Qian Liu;  Hui Pang;  Seng Chee Tan;  Jun Lei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:69 TC[Scopus]:89  IF:8.9/11.6 | Submit date:2023/04/03
Applications In Subject Areas  Elementary Education  Human-computer Interface  Learning Communities  
The relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment in primary grade mathematics classrooms* Journal article
Gezer, Tuba, Wang, Chuang, Polly, Andrew, Martin, Christie, Pugalee, David, Lambert, Richard. The relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment in primary grade mathematics classrooms*[J]. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2021, 13(5), 673-685.
Authors:  Gezer, Tuba;  Wang, Chuang;  Polly, Andrew;  Martin, Christie;  Pugalee, David; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:14 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Elementary Education  Formative Assessment  Hierarchical Linear Modeling  Mathematics Education  Number Sense  Summative Assessment  
Power, Privilege and Textbooks: A Content Analysis of General Studies Textbooks in Primary Schools in Macao Journal article
Shieh, J. J.. Power, Privilege and Textbooks: A Content Analysis of General Studies Textbooks in Primary Schools in Macao[J]. 臺灣教育評論月刊(Taiwan Educational Review Monthly), 2015, 209-234.
Authors:  Shieh, J. J.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
textbooks  content analysis  elementary education  Macao