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Who are food-neophobic tourists? The influence of food neophobia on tourists’ local food responses Journal article
Choe, Ja Young, Kim, Seongseop Sam. Who are food-neophobic tourists? The influence of food neophobia on tourists’ local food responses[J]. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 2024.
Authors:  Choe, Ja Young;  Kim, Seongseop Sam
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2024/02/15
Food Neophobia  Local Food Consumption Value  Satisfaction  Socio-demographics  
A cross-cultural multilevel investigation on memorable destination local food consumption experience and food personality traits Journal article
Badu-Baiden, Frank, Kim, Seongseop, Wong, Ip Kin Anthony. A cross-cultural multilevel investigation on memorable destination local food consumption experience and food personality traits[J]. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2023, 40(4), 275-293.
Authors:  Badu-Baiden, Frank;  Kim, Seongseop;  Wong, Ip Kin Anthony
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:8.2/8.5 | Submit date:2024/02/23
Cultural Distance  Experience  Food Personality  Local Food  Memorable  Multilevel  
Authentic food experiences bring us back to the past: an investigation of a local food night market Journal article
Li, Xiangping, Kong, Weng Hang, Yang, Fiona X.. Authentic food experiences bring us back to the past: an investigation of a local food night market[J]. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2021, 38(3), 233-246.
Authors:  Li, Xiangping;  Kong, Weng Hang;  Yang, Fiona X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:45  IF:8.2/8.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Atmosphere Authenticity  Attitudes Toward Local Food  Food Authenticity  Food Night Market  Gastronomy Destination Image  Gastronomy Tourism  Macao  Nostalgia  Past Experience  Revisit Intention  
Influence of local food attributes and perceived benefits on post-tasting responses through tourists’ local food consumption Journal article
Kim, S.S, Oh, M.H, Choe, J.Y.J, Choi, Y.J. Influence of local food attributes and perceived benefits on post-tasting responses through tourists’ local food consumption[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021, 1-14.
Authors:  Kim, S.S;  Oh, M.H;  Choe, J.Y.J;  Choi, Y.J
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
attribute  benefit  consumption  food tourism  IA  IRP  local food  
Influence of local food attributes and perceived benefits on post-tasting responses through tourists' local food consumption Journal article
Kim, S. S, Oh, M, Choe, J. Y, Choi, Y. Influence of local food attributes and perceived benefits on post-tasting responses through tourists' local food consumption[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021, 23(2), 164-177.
Authors:  Kim, S. S;  Oh, M;  Choe, J. Y;  Choi, Y
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:4.1/4.7 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Attribute  Benefit  Consumption  Food Tourism  Ia  Irp  Local Food  
Testing an attribute-benefit-value-intention (ABVI) model of local food Journal article
Kim, S.S, Choe, J.Y.J. Testing an attribute-benefit-value-intention (ABVI) model of local food[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2019, 123-140.
Authors:  Kim, S.S;  Choe, J.Y.J
Favorite |   IF:9.1/8.9 | Submit date:2022/08/27
local food  attribute  value  consumption  
Testing an attribute-benefit-value-intention (ABVI) model of local food consumption as perceived by foreign tourists Journal article
Kim, S. S, Choe, J. Y. J. Testing an attribute-benefit-value-intention (ABVI) model of local food consumption as perceived by foreign tourists[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2019, 31(1), 123-140.
Authors:  Kim, S. S;  Choe, J. Y. J
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:55 TC[Scopus]:61  IF:9.1/8.9 | Submit date:2019/08/02
Consumption  Value  Local Food  Attribute  Benefit  
Understanding tourists’ local food consumption value according to socio-demographics Conference paper
Ja Young (jacey) Choe, Seongseop (sam) Kim. Understanding tourists’ local food consumption value according to socio-demographics[C], 2019, 257-258.
Authors:  Ja Young (jacey) Choe;  Seongseop (sam) Kim
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/09/17
Consumption Value  Local Food  Socio-demographics  
Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist’s local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale Journal article
Choe, J.Y.J, Kim , S.S. Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist’s local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, 77, 245-259.
Authors:  Choe, J.Y.J;  Kim , S.S
Favorite | TC[WOS]:106 TC[Scopus]:123  IF:9.9/10.3 | Submit date:2022/08/27
Tourist Food Experience  Consumption Value  Scale Development  Local Food  
Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist's local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale Journal article
Choe, J. Y. J, Kim, S. S. Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist's local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, 77, 245-259.
Authors:  Choe, J. Y. J;  Kim, S. S
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:106 TC[Scopus]:123  IF:9.9/10.3 | Submit date:2019/08/02
Consumption Value  Local Food  Scale Development  Tourist Food Experience