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China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Reducing or Increasing the World Uncertainties? Journal article
Ricardo C. S. Siu. China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Reducing or Increasing the World Uncertainties?[J]. Journal of Economic Issues, 2019, 53(2), 571-578.
Authors:  Ricardo C. S. Siu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:1.0/1.0 | Submit date:2019/12/05
Belt And Road Initiative (Bri)  China  Multinational Corporations  Planned System  Poverty  Uncertainty  
Introduction: Organizational Learning in Context, Not Isolation Book chapter
出自: Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, Oxford:Elsevier, 2017, 页码:3-12
Authors:  Hong, F. L.;  Snell, R.;  Rowley, C.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/05/27
Organizational Learning  universalism  SECI  multinational corporations  
Challenges for Organizational Learning: Institutional Contexts, Cross-Border Knowledge and Context Book chapter
出自: Organizational Learning in Asia: Issues and Challenges, Oxford:Elsevier, 2017, 页码:187-192
Authors:  Hong, F. L.;  Snell, R.;  Rowley, C.
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Multinational corporations  organizational learning  knowledge creation  knowledge transfer  
Introduction: Organizational Learning in Context, Not Isolation Book chapter
出自: Organizational Learning in Asia:Elsevier, 2017, 页码:3-12
Authors:  J. Hong;  R.S. Snell;  C. Rowley
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/12/12
Organizational Learning  Universalism  Seci  Multinational Corporations  
Challenges for Organizational Learning—Institutional Contexts, Cross-Border Knowledge and Context Book chapter
出自: Organizational Learning in Asia:Elsevier, 2017, 页码:187-192
Authors:  J. Hong;  R.S. Snell;  C. Rowley
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2019/12/12
Multinational Corporations  Organizational Learning  Knowledge Creation  Knowledge Transfer  
An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Developed Economy Firms' Learning from Asia Book chapter
出自: Organizational Learning in Asia, Amsterdam; Oxford; Cambridge:Elsevier Asian Studies Series, 2017, 页码:111-132
Authors:  Cuervo, J. C.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/31
Entrepreneurship  Multinational Corporations  Reverse Knowledge Transfer  Asia  
A contingent view on the importance of inertia and mimicry in location choices by Chinese MNCs Journal article
Lin Yuan, Nitin Pangarkar. A contingent view on the importance of inertia and mimicry in location choices by Chinese MNCs[J]. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2016, 8(3), 255-275.
Authors:  Lin Yuan;  Nitin Pangarkar
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/10/17
Location Choice  Inter-organisational Mimicry  Structural Inertia  Chinese Mncs  Multinational Corporations  China  Contingent View  International Locations  Location Selection  Facility Location  
Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong Journal article
Ngo, H. Y., Loi, R., Foley, S.. Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong[J]. International Journal of Business Studies, 2012, 11-26.
Authors:  Ngo, H. Y.;  Loi, R.;  Foley, S.
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human resource flexibility  high-performance work systems  multinational corporations  headquarters' control  resource allocation  
The adoption of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries Journal article
Sharon Foley, Hang-yue Ngo, Raymond Loi. The adoption of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries[J]. Journal of World Business, 2012, 47(1), 106-113.
Authors:  Sharon Foley;  Hang-yue Ngo;  Raymond Loi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2020/01/08
High Performance Work Systems  Subsidiary Performance  Strategic Human Resource Management  Multinational Corporations  Organizational Climate  
Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations Journal article
Jacky F.L.Hong, Thang V.Nguyen. Knowledge embeddedness and the transfer mechanisms in multinational corporations[J]. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 2009, 44(4), 347-356.
Authors:  Jacky F.L.Hong;  Thang V.Nguyen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:56 TC[Scopus]:61  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2019/12/12
Knowledge Embeddedness  Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms  Multinational Corporations  Japanese Transplants