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Psychological empowerment, work addiction, and burnout among mental health professionals Journal article
Ruimei Sun, Hong Mian Yang, Cornelia T. J. Chau, Im Sin Cheong, Anise M. S. Wu. Psychological empowerment, work addiction, and burnout among mental health professionals[J]. Current Psychology, 2023, 42, 25602–25613.
Authors:  Ruimei Sun;  Hong Mian Yang;  Cornelia T. J. Chau;  Im Sin Cheong;  Anise M. S. Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2022/08/31
Psychological Empowerment  Workaholism  Work Addiction  Burnout  Mental Health Professionals  
Does procedural justice make me thrive? The mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of psychological empowerment. Conference paper
Tan, A. J. M., Lin, X. W., Loi, R., Zhang, L.. Does procedural justice make me thrive? The mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of psychological empowerment.[C], 2019.
Authors:  Tan, A. J. M.;  Lin, X. W.;  Loi, R.;  Zhang, L.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/29
Thriving at work  socially embedded model of thriving  group engagement model  procedural justice  organizational identification  psychological empowerment