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Interaction between U and Th on their uptake, distribution, and toxicity in V S. alfredii based on the phytoremediation of U and Th Journal article
Zhenling Huang, Siqun Tang, Lu Zhang, Lijian Ma, Songdong Ding, Liang Du, Dong Zhang, Yongdong Jin, Ruibing Wang, Chao Huang, Chuanqin Xia. Interaction between U and Th on their uptake, distribution, and toxicity in V S. alfredii based on the phytoremediation of U and Th[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(3), 2996-3005.
Authors:  Zhenling Huang;  Siqun Tang;  Lu Zhang;  Lijian Ma;  Songdong Ding; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:0/0 | Submit date:2018/11/06
Chemical Forms  Interaction  Phytoremediation  Subcellular Distribution  Thorium  Uranium  v S. Alfredii  
Interaction between U and Th on their uptake, distribution and toxicity in V S. alfredii based on the phytoremediation of U and Th Journal article
Huang, Z., Tang, S., Zhang, L., Ma, L., Ding, S., Du, L., Zhang, D., Jin, Y., Wang, R., Huang, C., Xia, C.. Interaction between U and Th on their uptake, distribution and toxicity in V S. alfredii based on the phytoremediation of U and Th[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 2996-3005.
Authors:  Huang, Z.;  Tang, S.;  Zhang, L.;  Ma, L.;  Ding, S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:0/0 | Submit date:2022/07/28
Phytoremediation  v S. Alfredii  Uranium  Thorium Interaction  Subcellular Distribution  Chemical Forms