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Academic Discourse of Chinese Philosophy and 21st Century Chinese Study—The Case of Confucian Views on Retributive War Conference paper
Lee, T. M.. Academic Discourse of Chinese Philosophy and 21st Century Chinese Study—The Case of Confucian Views on Retributive War[C], 2021, 1064-1084.
Authors:  Lee, T. M.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/24
Confucianism  vengeance  war  China study  
Academic Discourse of Chinese Philosophy and 21st Century Chinese Study—The Case of Confucian Views on Retributive War Conference paper
Lee, T. M.. Academic Discourse of Chinese Philosophy and 21st Century Chinese Study—The Case of Confucian Views on Retributive War[C], 2021, 1064-1084.
Authors:  Lee, T. M.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/24
Confucianism  vengeance  war  China study