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A formal analysis of the Chinese excessive resultative construction Journal article
LIU HONGYONG. A formal analysis of the Chinese excessive resultative construction[J]. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2025.
Favorite |   IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2024/05/22
Multivariable prediction of returning to work among early-onset colorectal cancer survivors in China: A two-year follow-up Journal article
Chen, Xiaojun, Zhong, Mengjiao, Chen, Chunyan, Huang, Lingyao, Zhang, Kun, Wu, Xiaodan. Multivariable prediction of returning to work among early-onset colorectal cancer survivors in China: A two-year follow-up[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2025, 12, 100637.
Authors:  Chen, Xiaojun;  Zhong, Mengjiao;  Chen, Chunyan;  Huang, Lingyao;  Zhang, Kun; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.4/2.7 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Early-onset Colorectal Cancer  Returning To Work  Prediction Model  Return-to-work Self-efficacy  Family Care  Psychosocial Adjustment  
Academic contingent self-worth and self-handicapping: an experimental test of failure mindset as a moderator Journal article
Ching, Boby Ho Hong, Li, Xiao Fei, Tan, Ying. Academic contingent self-worth and self-handicapping: an experimental test of failure mindset as a moderator[J]. Social Psychology of Education, 2025, 28(1), 16.
Authors:  Ching, Boby Ho Hong;  Li, Xiao Fei;  Tan, Ying
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.2/3.6 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Failure Mindset  Contingent Self-worth  Self-handicapping  Self-esteem  Mindset  
The Impact of Helicopter Parenting on Emerging Adults in Higher Education: A Scoping Review of Psychological Adjustment in University Students Review article
Authors:  La Rosa, Valentina Lucia;  Ching, Boby Ho Hong;  Commodari, Elena
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:1.7/2.0 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Emerging Adulthood  Helicopter Parenting  Higher Education  Psychological Adjustment  University  
The mediating role of creative self-concept in the relation between filial piety and general mental health Journal article
Chen, Wei Wen, Yang, Xin, Zhang, Lu Ran. The mediating role of creative self-concept in the relation between filial piety and general mental health[J]. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2025, 56, 101734.
Authors:  Chen, Wei Wen;  Yang, Xin;  Zhang, Lu Ran
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.5/4.1 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Filial Piety  Creative Self-concept  Creative Self-efficacy  Creative Personal Identify  General Mental Health  
The estrangement experience in travel and tourism Journal article
Miao, Li, Im, Jinyoung, Hu, Jingjing, Fung So, Kevin Kam, Huang, Zhuowei (Joy), Fu, Xiaoxiao. The estrangement experience in travel and tourism[J]. Tourism Management, 2025, 108, 105127.
Authors:  Miao, Li;  Im, Jinyoung;  Hu, Jingjing;  Fung So, Kevin Kam;  Huang, Zhuowei (Joy); et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Estrangement  Strangership  Self-initiated Estrangement  Other-imposed Estrangement  Alienation  Tourist Interactions  Tourist Social Dynamics  
Exploring emotional aspects of travel concepts via travel photos based on contrastive language-image pretraining Journal article
Vu, Huy Quan, Song, Baobao, Li, Gang, Law, Rob. Exploring emotional aspects of travel concepts via travel photos based on contrastive language-image pretraining[J]. Tourism Management, 2025, 108, 105117.
Authors:  Vu, Huy Quan;  Song, Baobao;  Li, Gang;  Law, Rob
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Clip  Openai  Emotion Wheel  Travel Concept  Zero-shot Classifier  
“New Forms of Human Civilization”: China’s Eurasian Foreign Policy Journal article
Ting-mien Lee 李庭綿. “New Forms of Human Civilization”: China’s Eurasian Foreign Policy[J]. The China Review, 2025.
Authors:  Ting-mien Lee 李庭綿
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/08/18
When intangible cultural heritage meets modernization–Can Chinese opera with modernized elements attract young festival-goers? Journal article
Li, Shanshi, Li, Shi Na, Nang Fong, Lawrence Hoc, Li, Yiqi. When intangible cultural heritage meets modernization–Can Chinese opera with modernized elements attract young festival-goers?[J]. Tourism Management, 2025, 107, 105036.
Authors:  Li, Shanshi;  Li, Shi Na;  Nang Fong, Lawrence Hoc;  Li, Yiqi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Intangible Cultural Heritage  Chinese Opera Festival  Cognitive Appraisal Theory  Modernization  Eye Tracking  Electrodermal Activity  
The dynamic joint roles of green human resource management and environmentally specific transformational leadership on team green behavior Journal article
Mo, Ziying, Liu, Matthew Tingchi, Lai, Ivan Ka Wai. The dynamic joint roles of green human resource management and environmentally specific transformational leadership on team green behavior[J]. Tourism Management, 2025, 107, 105046.
Authors:  Mo, Ziying;  Liu, Matthew Tingchi;  Lai, Ivan Ka Wai
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Green Human Resource Management  Environmentally Specific Transformational Leadership  Person-environment Fit Theory  Team Green Behavior  Team Green Priority Climate  Team Green Psychological Climate