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Research Outputs

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Title : Head of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institute: Faculty of Science and Technology
Research Fields: His research interests include linear and nonlinear control theory, networked control systems, coordinated control of multiple vehicles, robust multi-model adaptive control, fault detection and isolation, gain scheduled control, integrated design of guidance and control systems, aided inertial navigation systems, and mission control and real time architectures for complex autonomous systems with applications to unmanned air and ocean vehicles.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 8822 8550
Office: Faculty of Science and Technology University of Macau, E11 Avenida da Universidade, Taip
Notes: --

Research Contents

  • His research interests include linear and nonlinear control theory, networked control systems, coordinated control of multiple vehicles, robust multi-model adaptive control, fault detection and isolation, gain scheduled control, integrated design of guidance and control systems, aided inertial navigation systems, and mission control and real time architectures for complex autonomous systems with applications to unmanned air and ocean vehicles.


2017-01_2019-12 State EstimAtion in Large Networks with Heterogenous Agents
2015-08_2018-07 Synergistic Transport of Objects by Rotorcraft
2015-07_2018-06 Navigation Techniques for Multiple Transponder Ultra Short Base-Line Acoustic Positioning Systems
2015-01_2018-12 Sensor-based control of Aerial Vehicles for Health Monitoring of Buildings and Industrial Facilities
2015-01_2016-04 Advanced Nonlinear Control and Navigation Systems for Autonomous Surface Crafts
2012-06_2015-05 Detection of Faults and Fault Tolerant Control Systems for Wind Turbines

Research Outputs

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