Google Scholar Citation

ALL Since 2020
Citations 20651 11380
h-index 75 52
i10-index 330 212

Keywords Cloud

Research Outputs

Co-authors[TOP 5]

Chair Professor
Title : Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology
Chair Professor
Acting Director of Institute of Collaborative Innovation
Institute: Faculty of Science and Technology
Research Fields: Distributed and Parallel Systems, Cloud and Big Data Systems, and Data-driven Intelligence
Email: [email protected]
Notes: --

Research Contents

Distributed and Parallel Systems, Cloud and Big Data Systems, and Data-driven Intelligence, particularly

  • Distributed Systems and the Cloud:  resource management for highly available Internet services; server/datacenter and virtualization management in cloud computing; caching and content delivery networks;
  • Big Data Analytics and Data-driven Intelligence: big data and intelligent applications, including smart city, e-health systems, and financial data management;
  • Wireless, Mobile, and Embedded Systems:  Vehicular networks and Internet of Things; energy-aware resource management in embedded services;
  • High Performance Computing:  scheduling, load balancing, and systems support for high performance computing and applications.

Honorary Title

  • IEEE Fellow
  • Thousand Talents Program
  • “Leading Talents” of Guangdong Provinc
  • Outstanding Young Oversea Scholar

Honors & Rewards

2003-01-01 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
2016-09-01 Best Paper Award Nominee
2013-02-28 Best Paper Award Nominee
2013-06-01 Best Paper Award Nominee
2005-06-01 Best Paper Award Nominee
2016-01-01 Award of “Outstanding Staff of the Year”
2007-08-01 Keynote Speech
2012-11-25 Keynote speech
2012-05-13 Keynote speech
2010-06-01 Lightning Talk on “Cloud Computing and Autonomic Management,”
2009-09-01 Panel Talk on “Challenges of power management,” International Conference in Parallel Processing
2009-12-19 Keynote Speech, International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST)
2009-06-13 Keynote Speech, International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (Infoscale)
2008-12-14 Keynote Speech, International Workshop on Grid Technology and Applications
2003-01-01 Career Development Chair Award
2003-01-01 Outstanding Teaching Award
2000-01-01 Faculty Research Award
2006-01-01 Outstanding Service Award
1993-01-01 Li-Ka-Shing Scholarship Award of Hong Kong
1991-01-01 Hong Kong and China Gas Scholarship


2011-01_2012-12 Base Band Unit (BBU) Clustering Technologies
2011-01_2012-12 Energy Saving Techniques on Base Band Units (BBUs)
2010-09_2013-08 Fault Modeling and Analysis for Proactive Failure Management
2009-09_2012-08 Unified reinforcement learning for autonomic cloud management
2010-05_2013-04 BPC/LSA: STRONG Computing Pipeline
2009-03_2012-02 REU Site in Telematics and Automotive Information Technology
2009-01_2010-12 Center of Excellence in Open Source Computing and Applications (OSCA)
2009-03_2010-02 Vehicular Networks and Applications
2007-09_2010-08 Multi-scale Modeling and Adaptive Feedback Control for Multi-class Service Quality Assurance
2007-09_2010-08 Reconfigurable High Performance and Energy Efficient Networked Computing Systems
2006-09_2010-08 Stochastic Learning, Optimization, and Scheduling in Parallel Computers
2006-02_2009-01 Client-aware multi-resource management for high service availability on Internet servers
2007-12_2009-11 Parallel computing in multi-core servers
2004-04_2007-03 Real-time Augmented Reality Development for the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator
2002-05_2005-04 Adaptive scheduling for bulk synchronous computations and applications
2000-09_2002-08 Scheduling proxy and adaptive algorithms for irregular applications on SMP clusters
2002-06_2002-10 Mobile medical information processing
2000-05_2000-09 Web-based Software Tools in Support of Automobile Multiplexing
1997-06_2000-05 REU Site for Parallel and Distributed Applications
1998-01_1998-12 High Performance Computing on an ATM-Connected Cluster of Symmetric Multiprocessors
1996-09_1997-08 Real-Time Optimization of 3-D Conformal Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning
2004-09_2006-08 Middleware support for mobile agent-enabled mobile computing
2002-09_2004-08 Design of fault tolerant agent systems
2009-08_2010-05 Telematics and automotive information technology
2003-09_2005-08 Real-time medical information processing: Smart monitoring, diagnosis, decisions, and beyond
2003-09_2005-08 Database development and computer analysis of Raman spectra for real-time identification of cancer tissue
2003-07_2005-06 Mobile agent technologies for high performance computing on the Internet
2000-04_2001-03 Mobile agent based framework for high performance computing services on distributed servers

Research Outputs

Total Number of Publication Items Total Citation Number H-index FWCI (Scival)
WOS Scopus WOS Scopus WOS Scopus
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