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Distinguished Professor
Title : Associate Director of Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
Distinguished Professor
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Email: Private
Notes: --


Prof. Sun Handong works as a Distinguished Professor in The Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau. Before he moved to Macau in 2023, He was with the School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, working as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/ Full Professor in Physics. Prof. Sun received his Bachelor's degree in Physics from Dalian University of Technology, Master and Ph.D. degrees from Huazhong University of Science & Technology, and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, respectively. His research interests include Optoelectronic Materials & Devices, Semiconductor Physics; Optical Spectroscopy; Nano-Materials & Technology, etc.. He was elected to be a Fellow of American Physical Society in 2016 with citation “For outstanding contributions to optoelectronics with novel characterization and deep understanding of photonic materials and structures, leading to practical high-performance devices.”. Prof. Sun was named as a Fellow of Optica (2023) with citation "For outstanding contributions to the research of optoelectronics and photonics, particularly innovative application of materials and structures into microcavity lasers".


1996-03_1999-09 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Physics Doctor
1985-09_1988-05 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Department of Optoelectronic Engineering Master
1981-09_1985-07 Dalian University of Technology Department of Physics Bachelor


2023-05_今 University of Macau Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
2021-09_2023-05 Nanyang Technological University School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
2013-03_2021-08 Nanyang Technological University School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
2007-07_2013-02 Nanyang Technological University School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
2001-09_2007-07 University of Strathclyde, Institute of Photonics
1999-10_2001-08 RIKEN Lab for Photodynamics

Research Outputs

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