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Copy Right Infringements in Cyberspace: The Need to Nurture International Legal Principles Journal article
Ramaswamy, Muruga Perumal. Copy Right Infringements in Cyberspace: The Need to Nurture International Legal Principles[J]. International Journal of The Computer, the Internet and Management, 2006, 14(3), 8-31.
Authors:  Ramaswamy, Muruga Perumal
Favorite |  | Submit date:2021/05/28
Digital Copyrights  Copyright InfrIngements In Cyberspace  Legal Challenges In Digital Copyrights  Limitations Of Domestic Ipr Protection  Role Of International Ipr Regimes  
Online relationship: Findings from an investigation conducted in a collectivistic culture Journal article
Chan Sow Hup. Online relationship: Findings from an investigation conducted in a collectivistic culture[J]. International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 2005, 13, 25.1-25.10.
Authors:  Chan Sow Hup
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/12/12
Incorporating students input in tailoring technology course material Journal article
Chan, Sow Hup Joanne. Incorporating students input in tailoring technology course material[J]. International Journal of the Computer, The Internet and Management, 2005, 13(3), 69-78.
Authors:  Chan, Sow Hup Joanne
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/12/12
Communication Technology  Course Content  Internet  Software Suite  Ability