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无权访问的条目 Journal article
Authors:  李羽喆;  石黒圭
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生成AIは辞書になりうるか-マカオの日本語学習者を対象に-(Can Generative AI Serve as a Dictionary? - A Study on Japanese Learners in Macau) Presentation
会议地点: University of Macau, 会议日期: 2024/11/3, 报告日期: 2024-11-01
Authors:  李羽喆
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Japanese Learners In Macau  Dictionary  
Opportunities and Challenges in Japanese Language Education in the Greater Bay Area: GenAI and Language Policy Perspectives Project
项目编号: SRG2024-00059-FAH, 2024-2027
Authors:  Li YZ(李羽喆)
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Japanese Language Education  Language Policy  
The depth of vocabulary search on smartphones among Japanese language learners in China Conference paper
Li YZ(李羽喆). The depth of vocabulary search on smartphones among Japanese language learners in China[C]:Castledown, 2024, 149–154.
Authors:  Li YZ(李羽喆)
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生成AIとともに進化する語彙学習の可能性と教育的課題(The Potential and Educational Challenges of Vocabulary Learning Evolving with Generative AI) Presentation
会议地点: Waseda University(online), 会议日期: 2024-08, 报告日期: 2024-08-01
Authors:  李羽喆
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Generative Ai  Vocabulary Learning  
語彙知識を深めるにはどのように検索すればよいか-マカオの初級日本語学習者を対象に-(Exploring Search Approaches for Enhancing Vocabulary Proficiency: A Study on Beginner Japanese Learners in Macau) Book chapter
出自: スマホは辞書になりうるか-日本語学習者の辞書引きの困難点と指導法:石黒圭・吉甜・佐野彩子(編),明治書院, 2024, 页码:117-134
Authors:  李羽喆
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日本語学習者の論理的な思考をいかに促進させるか-成果発表のポスターに見る学術日本語授業の問題点と改善策- (How to Enhance the Logical Thinking Skills of Japanese Language Learners: Problems and Solutions in Academic Japanese Instruction Through Poster Presentation) Conference paper
李羽喆. 日本語学習者の論理的な思考をいかに促進させるか-成果発表のポスターに見る学術日本語授業の問題点と改善策- (How to Enhance the Logical Thinking Skills of Japanese Language Learners: Problems and Solutions in Academic Japanese Instruction Through Poster Presentation)[C], 2024.
Authors:  李羽喆
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スマホ「辞書」による語彙検索行動の実態と問題点-マカオの初級日本語学習者を事例に-(An Analysis of the Real-World Use and Complexities of Vocabulary Searches via Smartphone ‘Dictionaries’: A Case Study of Elementary Japanese Language Learners in Macau) Conference paper
李羽喆. スマホ「辞書」による語彙検索行動の実態と問題点-マカオの初級日本語学習者を事例に-(An Analysis of the Real-World Use and Complexities of Vocabulary Searches via Smartphone ‘Dictionaries’: A Case Study of Elementary Japanese Language Learners in Macau)[C], 2023.
Authors:  李羽喆
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産出のための語彙学習とは何か、なぜ必要か-学習者のつまずきから考える-(Understanding Production-Oriented Vocabulary Learning and Its Importance: insights from Learner Struggles) Presentation
会议地点: Tongji University (online), 会议日期: 2022/11/13, 报告日期: 2022-11-13
Authors:  李羽喆
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中国における日本語専攻生の多言語論証能力の発展に関する研究 Project
项目编号: Project No. 22BYY191, 2022-2025
Authors:  楊秀娥;  李羽喆
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Japanese Language Majors  Critical Thinking