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Dual regulation of phaseol on osteoclast formation and osteoblast differentiation by targeting TAK1 kinase for osteoporosis treatment Journal article
Tan, Lihua, Miao, Zhimin, Zhao, Yuxin, Liang, Yongkai, Xu, Nan, Chen, Xin, Tu, Yanbei, He, Chengwei. Dual regulation of phaseol on osteoclast formation and osteoblast differentiation by targeting TAK1 kinase for osteoporosis treatment[J]. Journal of Advanced Research, 2024.
Authors:  Tan, Lihua;  Miao, Zhimin;  Zhao, Yuxin;  Liang, Yongkai;  Xu, Nan; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0  IF:11.4/11.0 | Submit date:2024/12/26
Phaseol  Osteogenesis  Osteoclastogenesis  Osteoporosis  Tak1  
天然香豆雌酚類化合物的藥理活性和作用機制 Meeting Abstract
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香豆雌酚  藥理活性  作用機制  類風濕關節炎  骨質疏鬆症  
天然香豆雌酚類化合物的藥理活性和作用機制 Presentation
会议地点: 中國植物生理與植物分子生物學學會2024年全國學術年會暨第十三屆全國會員代表大會。中國,四川,成都, 会议日期: 2024-08-25---2024-08-29, 报告日期: 2024-08-29
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香豆雌酚  藥理活性  類風濕關節炎  骨質疏鬆症  
Blockage of Autophagy for Cancer Therapy: A Comprehensive Review Review article
Authors:  Hassan, Ahmed Mostafa Ibrahim Abdelrahman;  Zhao, Yuxin;  Chen, Xiuping;  He, Chengwei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:8 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Autophagy Inhibitors  Cancer Therapy  Clinical Trials  
Editorial: New progress in cancer biomarkers and therapy Other
Authors:  Guohui Sun;  HE CHENGWEI;  Jianhua Wang
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Bioinformatics  Biomarkers  Cancer  Tumor Microenvironment  Tumor Prognosis  Tumor Resistance  Tumor Therapy  
Construction of the Gal-NH2/mulberry leaf polysaccharides-lysozyme/luteolin nanoparticles and the amelioration effects on lipid accumulation Journal article
Li, Ruilin, Zhou, Jingna, Zhang, Xiaoyu, Wang, Yajie, Wang, Jia, Zhang, Min, He, Chengwei, Zhuang, Pengwei, Chen, Haixia. Construction of the Gal-NH2/mulberry leaf polysaccharides-lysozyme/luteolin nanoparticles and the amelioration effects on lipid accumulation[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253, 126780.
Authors:  Li, Ruilin;  Zhou, Jingna;  Zhang, Xiaoyu;  Wang, Yajie;  Wang, Jia; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:7.7/7.7 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Construction  Hepatic-targeted  Lipid Accumulation  Luteolin Nanoparticles  
E2F2 modulates cell adhesion through the transcriptional regulation of PECAM1 in multiple myeloma Journal article
Chen,Shu Na, Mai,Zhi Ying, Mai,Jun Na, Liang,Weiyao, Dong,Zhao Xia, Ju,Fei er, Chan,Sze Hoi, Fang,Zhigang, Xu,Yichuan, Uziel,Orit, He,Chengwei, Zhang,Xing Ding, Zheng,Yongjiang. E2F2 modulates cell adhesion through the transcriptional regulation of PECAM1 in multiple myeloma[J]. British Journal of Haematology, 2023, 202(4), 840-855.
Authors:  Chen,Shu Na;  Mai,Zhi Ying;  Mai,Jun Na;  Liang,Weiyao;  Dong,Zhao Xia; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:5.1/5.7 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Cell Adhesion  E2f2  Multiple Myeloma  Pecam1  
Isolation, structural characterization and cholesterol-lowering effects of a novel polysaccharide from mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaf Journal article
Li,Ruilin, Zhou,Jingna, Zhang,Xiaoyu, Zhang,Tingting, Wang,Jia, Zhang,Min, He,Chengwei, Chen,Haixia. Isolation, structural characterization and cholesterol-lowering effects of a novel polysaccharide from mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaf[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 202, 117010.
Authors:  Li,Ruilin;  Zhou,Jingna;  Zhang,Xiaoyu;  Zhang,Tingting;  Wang,Jia; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:5.6/5.7 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Cholesterol-lowering  Mechanism  Mulberry Leaf  Polysaccharides  Structural Characterization  
STING as an emerging therapeutic target for drug discovery: Perspectives from the global patent landscape Journal article
Kong,Xiangjun, Zuo,Huali, Huang,Hsien Da, Zhang,Qianru, Chen,Jiayu, He,Chengwei, Hu,Yuanjia. STING as an emerging therapeutic target for drug discovery: Perspectives from the global patent landscape[J]. Journal of Advanced Research, 2023, 44, 119-133.
Authors:  Kong,Xiangjun;  Zuo,Huali;  Huang,Hsien Da;  Zhang,Qianru;  Chen,Jiayu; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:39 TC[Scopus]:36  IF:11.4/11.0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Agonists  Cancer Immunotherapy  Clinical Development  Patent Citation Network  Patent Landscape  Stimulator Of Interferon Genes (Sting)  
The role of Raptor in lymphocytes differentiation and function Journal article
Tang,Jianing, Yang,Lu, Guan,Fei, Miller,Heather, Camara,Niels Olsen Saraiva, James,Louisa K., Benlagha,Kamel, Kubo,Masato, Heegaard,Steffen, Lee,Pamela, Lei,Jiahui, Zeng,Hu, He,Chengwei, Zhai,Zhimin, Liu,Chaohong. The role of Raptor in lymphocytes differentiation and function[J]. Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, 14.
Authors:  Tang,Jianing;  Yang,Lu;  Guan,Fei;  Miller,Heather;  Camara,Niels Olsen Saraiva; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:5.7/6.8 | Submit date:2023/08/03
b Cell  Immune  Mtorc1  Raptor  t Cell