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Like a moth to a flame: Do stock market bubbles exacerbate credit risks of peer-to-peer lending? Journal article
Liu, Xin, Ni, Xiaoran, Qiu, Zhigang, Xiang, Wang, Zhang, Kailun. Like a moth to a flame: Do stock market bubbles exacerbate credit risks of peer-to-peer lending?[J]. European Financial Management, 2024.
Authors:  Liu, Xin;  Ni, Xiaoran;  Qiu, Zhigang;  Xiang, Wang;  Zhang, Kailun
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.1/2.7 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Contagion  Credit Risk  Peer-to-peer Lending  Retail Investor