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The role of cross-language orthography and phonology in translation recognition: An ERP study with Chinese-English bilinguals Journal article
Zhang, Er Hu, Cao, Hong Wen. The role of cross-language orthography and phonology in translation recognition: An ERP study with Chinese-English bilinguals[J]. Bilingualism, 2024.
Authors:  Zhang, Er Hu;  Cao, Hong Wen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.5/3.8 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Bilinguals  Cross-language  N400  Orthography And Phonology  
Lexico-semantic Activation of Translation Equivalents During the Attentional Blink Journal article
Hong-Wen Cao, Er-Hu Zhang, Xiaoting Xiang, Defeng Li, Victoria Lai Cheng Lei. Lexico-semantic Activation of Translation Equivalents During the Attentional Blink[J]. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH, 2021, 52(1), 101 - 113.
Authors:  Hong-Wen Cao;  Er-Hu Zhang;  Xiaoting Xiang;  Defeng Li;  Victoria Lai Cheng Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.6/1.6 | Submit date:2021/11/30
Attentional Blink  Chinese-english Bilinguals  Lexico-semantic Activation  Translation Equivalents  
Lexico-semantic Activation of Translation Equivalents During the Attentional Blink. Journal article
JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH, Er-Hu Zhang, Xiaoting Xiang, Defeng Li, Victoria Lai Cheng Lei. Lexico-semantic Activation of Translation Equivalents During the Attentional Blink.[J]. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH, 2021, 52(1), 101 - 113.
Authors:  JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH;  Er-Hu Zhang;  Xiaoting Xiang;  Defeng Li;  Victoria Lai Cheng Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.6/1.6 | Submit date:2023/08/29
Attentional Blink  Chinese-english Bilinguals  Lexico-semantic Activation  Translation Equivalents  
The factor structure of the English CBCL DSM-oriented scales in Filipino schoolchildren as reported by bilingual caregivers Journal article
Nalipay, M. J. N., Bernardo, A. B. I., Tarroja, M. C. H., Bautista, M. L. C.. The factor structure of the English CBCL DSM-oriented scales in Filipino schoolchildren as reported by bilingual caregivers[J]. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 2018, 7(sup1), 102-110.
Authors:  Nalipay, M. J. N.;  Bernardo, A. B. I.;  Tarroja, M. C. H.;  Bautista, M. L. C.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Child Behavior Checklist  Structural Validity  Philippines  Bilinguals  
Illusory Transparency in Bilinguals: Does Language of Text Affect Bilingual Readers’ Perspective Taking in Reading? Journal article
Mante-Estacio,Ma Joahna, Bernardo,Allan B.I.. Illusory Transparency in Bilinguals: Does Language of Text Affect Bilingual Readers’ Perspective Taking in Reading?[J]. Current Psychology, 2015, 34(4), 744-752.
Authors:  Mante-Estacio,Ma Joahna;  Bernardo,Allan B.I.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7 | Submit date:2019/07/07
Bilinguals  Cultural Mindset  Illusory Transparency  Linguistic Priming  Perspective-taking  Reading  Sarcasm  
Testing the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the Philippines Journal article
Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr., Allan B. I. Bernardo, Ronnel B. King. Testing the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the Philippines[J]. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT, 2012, 30(3), 298-303.
Authors:  Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr.;  Allan B. I. Bernardo;  Ronnel B. King
Favorite | TC[WOS]:35 TC[Scopus]:33  IF:1.5/1.7 | Submit date:2019/08/08
Academic Motivation  Invariance  Bilinguals  Inventory Of School Motivation