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Soybean-derived peptide protects against an E. coli-induced sepsis in cynomolgus monkeys Journal article
Liu,Wei, Xu,Zhenzhen, Ren,Zhengyu, Amakye,William Kwame, Xu,Yongzhao, Gao,Li, Wang,Min, Ren,Jiaoyan. Soybean-derived peptide protects against an E. coli-induced sepsis in cynomolgus monkeys[J]. Food Frontiers, 2023.
Authors:  Liu,Wei;  Xu,Zhenzhen;  Ren,Zhengyu;  Amakye,William Kwame;  Xu,Yongzhao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Bioactive Peptides  Cynomolgus Monkey  Non-human Primates Model  Sepsis  Soy Peptides  
Discovery of the bioactive peptides secreted by Bifidobacterium using integrated MCX coupled with LC–MS and feature-based molecular networking Journal article
Chen, Shengshuang, Huang, Guoxin, Liao, Weilin, Gong, Shilin, Xiao, Jianbo, Bai, Jiao, Wendy Hsiao, W. L., Li, Na, Wu, Jian Lin. Discovery of the bioactive peptides secreted by Bifidobacterium using integrated MCX coupled with LC–MS and feature-based molecular networking[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 347, 129008.
Authors:  Chen, Shengshuang;  Huang, Guoxin;  Liao, Weilin;  Gong, Shilin;  Xiao, Jianbo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:26 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:8.5/8.2 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Bifidobacterium  Bioactive Peptides  Feature-based Molecular Networking  Mcx Coupled With Lc–ms