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A Feasibility Study of the WHO Digital Mental Health Intervention Step-by-Step to Address Depression Among Chinese Young Adults Journal article
Sit, Hao Fong, Hong, Leng Wai, Burchert, Sebastian, Sou, Elvo Kuai Long, Wong, Mek, Chen, Wen, Lam, Agnes Iok Fong, Hall, Brian J.. A Feasibility Study of the WHO Digital Mental Health Intervention Step-by-Step to Address Depression Among Chinese Young Adults[J]. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022, 12, 812667.
Authors:  Sit, Hao Fong;  Hong, Leng Wai;  Burchert, Sebastian;  Sou, Elvo Kuai Long;  Wong, Mek; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:3.2/3.9 | Submit date:2022/02/21
Chinese Young Adults  Depression  Digital Health  E-mental Health  Feasibility  Minimally Guided Intervention  
Effects of e-Intervention on Exercise Attitude, Behavior and Fitness in Macau Secondary School Students Conference paper
Zhaowei Kong, Son Cheng Mou, Chen Yu, Nan Liu. Effects of e-Intervention on Exercise Attitude, Behavior and Fitness in Macau Secondary School Students[C], Shanghai Sport University:Shanghai, 2011.
Authors:  Zhaowei Kong;  Son Cheng Mou;  Chen Yu;  Nan Liu
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/06
E-intervention  Exercise Attitude  Physical Activity  Health-related Physical Fitness