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Gender Stereotypes as Related to Language Learning Engagement: Mediating Roles of Motivational Beliefs and Emotional Factors Journal article
Li, Jiajing, Wang, Chuang, Shen, Ziyou. Gender Stereotypes as Related to Language Learning Engagement: Mediating Roles of Motivational Beliefs and Emotional Factors[J]. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2024.
Authors:  Li, Jiajing;  Wang, Chuang;  Shen, Ziyou
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.6/3.6 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Efl  Gender Stereotypes  Engagement  Motivational Beliefs  Emotional Factors  
Affective student-teacher relationships and students' engagement: A cross- cultural comparison of China and the Netherlands Book chapter
出自: Effective Teaching Around the World: Theoretical, Empirical, Methodological and Practical Insights:Springer International Publishing, 2023, 页码:423-437
Authors:  Roorda, Debora;  Chen, Mengdi;  Zee, Marjolein
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2023/09/27
Affective Teacher-student Relationships  Behavioral Engagement  Cross-cultural Comparison  Emotional Engagement  Upper Elementary Students  
Social and emotional competencies as predictors of student engagement in youth: A cross-cultural multilevel study Journal article
Anabela Caetano Santos, Patrícia Arriaga, João R. Daniel, Carmel Cefai, Márcia H. S. Melo, Agoritsa Psyllou, SHIEH JIN-JY, Nicola Schutte, Crispiniano Furtado, Celso H. David, Manecas C. Azevedo, Eleni Andreou, Celeste Simões. Social and emotional competencies as predictors of student engagement in youth: A cross-cultural multilevel study[J]. Studies in Higher Education, 2023, 48(1), 1-19.
Authors:  Anabela Caetano Santos;  Patrícia Arriaga;  João R. Daniel;  Carmel Cefai;  Márcia H. S. Melo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:15 | Submit date:2022/08/27
Cross-cultural  Emotional Competence  Social Skills  Student Engagement  Youth  
Is emotional engagement possible for emotionally demanding jobs? The role of leader-member exchange (LMX). Journal article
Lam, L. W., Xu, A.J., Loi, R.. Is emotional engagement possible for emotionally demanding jobs? The role of leader-member exchange (LMX).[J]. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2018, 42-52.
Authors:  Lam, L. W.;  Xu, A.J.;  Loi, R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:2.2/2.1 | Submit date:2022/06/09
Emotionally Demanding Jobs  Emotional Engagement  
Is Emotional Engagement Possible in Emotionally Demanding Jobs? The Role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Journal article
Long W. Lam, Angela J. Xu, Raymond Loi. Is Emotional Engagement Possible in Emotionally Demanding Jobs? The Role of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)[J]. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2018, 17(1), 42-52.
Authors:  Long W. Lam;  Angela J. Xu;  Raymond Loi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:2.2/2.1 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Emotional Job Demands  Emotional Engagement  Leader-member Exchange (Lmx)  Intention To Quit  
Work engagement: Evolution of the concept and a new inventory Journal article
Kuok,Angus C.H., Taormina,Robert J.. Work engagement: Evolution of the concept and a new inventory[J]. Psychological Thought, 2017, 10(2), 262-287.
Authors:  Kuok,Angus C.H.;  Taormina,Robert J.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:36 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Burnout  Cognitive Work Engagement  Emotional Work Engagement  Physical Work Engagement  Turnover Intention  Validation  Work Engagement Measure  
Is emotional engagement possible for emotionally demanding jobs? The role of leader-member exchange Conference paper
Lam, L. W., Xu, A. J., Loi, R.. Is emotional engagement possible for emotionally demanding jobs? The role of leader-member exchange[C], 2015.
Authors:  Lam, L. W.;  Xu, A. J.;  Loi, R.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/08
emotional job demands  emotional engagement  leader-member exchange (LMX)  intention to quit