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Exploring the heterogeneous effects of zonal factors on bicycle injury severity: latent class clustering analysis and partial proportional odds models Journal article
Wang, Shunchao, Ma, Jingfeng, Ding, Hongliang, Lu, Yuhuan. Exploring the heterogeneous effects of zonal factors on bicycle injury severity: latent class clustering analysis and partial proportional odds models[J]. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 2023, 15(9), 918 - 942.
Authors:  Wang, Shunchao;  Ma, Jingfeng;  Ding, Hongliang;  Lu, Yuhuan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:2.4/2.4 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Bicycle Safety  Injury Severity  Latent Class Clustering  Partial Proportional Odds Models  Zonal Factors  
Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes Journal article
Yu, Hao, Li, Zhenning, Zhang, Guohui, Liu, Pan, Ma, Tianwei. Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes[J]. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2021, 30, 100157.
Authors:  Yu, Hao;  Li, Zhenning;  Zhang, Guohui;  Liu, Pan;  Ma, Tianwei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:12.5/12.3 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Deep Neural Network  Driver Injury Severity  Heterogeneity  Model Interpretation