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Substitution or complementary effects between hosts and neighbors’ information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb Journal article
Zheng, Zuolong, Li, Ziying, Zhang, Xuwen, Liang, Sai, Law, Rob, Lei, Jiasu. Substitution or complementary effects between hosts and neighbors’ information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2023, 161, 113822.
Authors:  Zheng, Zuolong;  Li, Ziying;  Zhang, Xuwen;  Liang, Sai;  Law, Rob; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:10.5/11.2 | Submit date:2023/07/26
Airbnb  Information Disclosure  Knowledge Sharing  Neighborhood Effect  Online Review  Sharing Economy  
Report of DPA Program Market Research Report
Authors:  Chan, K. S.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/09/05
knowledge-based economy  Doctor of Public Administration  application-oriented doctoral programme  
The career paths of social marketing doctoral graduates Journal article
Truong, V. Dao. The career paths of social marketing doctoral graduates[J]. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL MARKETING, 2017, 7(1), 18-50.
Authors:  Truong, V. Dao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:3.1/2.7 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Social Marketing  Behaviour Change  Knowledge Economy  Career Patterns  Doctoral Dissertation  Doctorate Holders  
Effects of knowledge capital on total factor productivity in China: A spatial econometric perspective Presentation
会议地点: University of Palermo, Faculty of Economics, 会议日期: 27-31 August 2013, 报告日期: 2013-08-28
Authors:  Thomas Scherngell;  Martin Borowiecki;  Yuanjia Hu
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/01/16
China  Knowledge-based Economy  Total Factor Productivity  Knowledge Spillovers  
The creation of the Knowledge Zone of Curaçao: The power of a vision Journal article
Miguel Goede, Neuwirth, Rostam J., G. Louisa. The creation of the Knowledge Zone of Curaçao: The power of a vision[J]. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2012, 10(1), 52-64.
Authors:  Miguel Goede;  Neuwirth, Rostam J.;  G. Louisa
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1  IF:1.6/2.0 | Submit date:2020/12/04
Caribbean  Change Management  Creative Economy  Curaçao  Globalization  Knowledge Economy  Netherlands Antilles  Small Islands Developing States  Strategic Alliances