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How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model Journal article
xiaowei tang. How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model[J]. Research in Science & Technological Education, 2024.
Authors:  xiaowei tang
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.8/2.0 | Submit date:2024/05/22
Epistemological Belief  Intrinsic Motivation  Social Context Factor  Achievement In Science  Serial Mediation Model  
Income inequality, current account, and financial risk: a mediation analysis for Asia Journal article
Zhao, Qingbin, Liu, Nian, Lei, Chunyu, Gu, Xinhua. Income inequality, current account, and financial risk: a mediation analysis for Asia[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2024.
Authors:  Zhao, Qingbin;  Liu, Nian;  Lei, Chunyu;  Gu, Xinhua
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.2/1.3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Current Account  Financial Crisis  Income Inequality  Mediation Model  
Relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and internet addiction with insomnia and depression as multiple mediators during the COVID-19 pandemic: a three-wave longitudinal study in Chinese college students Journal article
Yao, Liqing, Liang, Kaixin, Huang, Liuyue, Chi, Xinli. Relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and internet addiction with insomnia and depression as multiple mediators during the COVID-19 pandemic: a three-wave longitudinal study in Chinese college students[J]. BMC Psychiatry, 2023, 23(1), 939.
Authors:  Yao, Liqing;  Liang, Kaixin;  Huang, Liuyue;  Chi, Xinli
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:3.4/4.2 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Depression  Fruit And Vegetable Consumption  Insomnia  Internet Addiction  Longitudinal Study  Multiple Mediation Model  
Longitudinal relationship between social media and e-cigarette use among adolescents: the roles of internalizing problems and academic performance Journal article
Luxi Zhang, Song Harris Ao, Xinshu Zhao. Longitudinal relationship between social media and e-cigarette use among adolescents: the roles of internalizing problems and academic performance[J]. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23, 2133.
Authors:  Luxi Zhang;  Song Harris Ao;  Xinshu Zhao
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:3.5/3.9 | Submit date:2023/11/06
E-cigarette  Social Media  Adolescent Health  Internalizing Problems  Academic Performance  Moderated Mediation Model  
Exploring the Roles of Dispositional Mindfulness and Cognitive Reappraisal in the Relationship Between Neuroticism and depression Among Postgraduate Students in China Journal article
Lulu Hou, Lei Chang, Lirong Chen, Junfeng Fei, Renlai Zhou. Exploring the Roles of Dispositional Mindfulness and Cognitive Reappraisal in the Relationship Between Neuroticism and depression Among Postgraduate Students in China[J]. International Journal of Public Health, 2022, 67(1605074).
Authors:  Lulu Hou;  Lei Chang;  Lirong Chen;  Junfeng Fei;  Renlai Zhou
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:2.6/3.2 | Submit date:2022/08/31
Depression  Neuroticism  Dispositional Mindfulness  Cognitive Reappraisal  Moderated Mediation Model  
Mental Disorders and Emotional Competence Among Chinese Adolescents Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Mediation Model Journal article
Shi, Wei, Yuan, Guangzhe Frank, Hall, Brian J., Liu, Xiaoli, Su, Ya, Zhao, Li, Jia, Peng. Mental Disorders and Emotional Competence Among Chinese Adolescents Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Mediation Model[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9, 767004.
Authors:  Shi, Wei;  Yuan, Guangzhe Frank;  Hall, Brian J.;  Liu, Xiaoli;  Su, Ya; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:3.0/3.6 | Submit date:2022/01/14
Anxiety  Covid-19 Exposure  Depression  Emotional Competence  Longitudinal Mediation Model  
Locus of control, coping flexibility, and post-migration growth among mainland Chinese university students in Macao Journal article
Yang, Hong Mian, Li, Yun, Zhang, Meng Xuan, Tao, Vivienne Y.K., Tong, Kwok Kit, Wu, Anise M.S.. Locus of control, coping flexibility, and post-migration growth among mainland Chinese university students in Macao[J]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2021, 85, 13-25.
Authors:  Yang, Hong Mian;  Li, Yun;  Zhang, Meng Xuan;  Tao, Vivienne Y.K.;  Tong, Kwok Kit; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.4/2.7 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Coping Flexibility  International University Students  Locus Of Control  Mediation Model  Post-migration Growth  
Simple use of BIC to Assess Model Selection Uncertainty: An Illustration using Mediation and Moderation Models Journal article
Wu, Huiping, Cheung, Shu Fai, Leung, Shing On. Simple use of BIC to Assess Model Selection Uncertainty: An Illustration using Mediation and Moderation Models[J]. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 2020, 55(1), 1-16.
Authors:  Wu, Huiping;  Cheung, Shu Fai;  Leung, Shing On
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:5.3/5.3 | Submit date:2021/12/03
Bic Posterior  Mediation And Moderation  Model Selection  Posterior Distribution  
Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation Journal article
Yingkai Jiang, Xinshu Zhao, Lixing Zhu, Jun S. Liu, Ke Deng. Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation[J]. Statistica Sinica, 2020.
Authors:  Yingkai Jiang;  Xinshu Zhao;  Lixing Zhu;  Jun S. Liu;  Ke Deng
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Complementary Mediation  Hypothesis Testing  Linear Model  Mediation Analysis  Total-effect Test  
Monotonicity of effect sizes: Questioning kappa-squared as mediation effect size measure Journal article
Wen Z., Fan X.. Monotonicity of effect sizes: Questioning kappa-squared as mediation effect size measure[J]. Psychological Methods, 2015, 20(2), 193.
Authors:  Wen Z.;  Fan X.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:281 TC[Scopus]:286 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Effect Size  Index K2  Indirect Effect  Mediation  Multiple Mediation Model