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Family Physical Activities Choice, Parental Views of Physical Activities, and Chinese Preschool Children's Physical Fitness and Motor Development Journal article
Bi Ying Hu, Zhongling Wu, Zhaowei Kong. Family Physical Activities Choice, Parental Views of Physical Activities, and Chinese Preschool Children's Physical Fitness and Motor Development[J]. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2022, 50(5), 841-853.
Authors:  Bi Ying Hu;  Zhongling Wu;  Zhaowei Kong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:2.3/2.5 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Family Physical Activities  Parental Attitude  Preschool Children  Physical Fitness  Motor Development  
无权访问的条目 Journal article
Authors:  Bi Ying Hu;  Zhongling Wu;  Zhaowei Kong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:9 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:2.3/2.5 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Challenges Faced by Electric Vehicle Motors and Their Solutions Journal article
Wang, Zhikun, Ching, Tze Wood, Huang, Shaojia, Wang, Hongtao, Xu, Tao. Challenges Faced by Electric Vehicle Motors and Their Solutions[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, 9, 5228-5249.
Authors:  Wang, Zhikun;  Ching, Tze Wood;  Huang, Shaojia;  Wang, Hongtao;  Xu, Tao
Favorite | TC[WOS]:86 TC[Scopus]:128  IF:3.4/3.7 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Control Strategy  Electric Vehicles  Ev Motor  Motor Topology Development  
Effect of the home physical environment on motor development of young children in Macau Conference paper
Lei, S. M., Wong, S. P.. Effect of the home physical environment on motor development of young children in Macau[C], Shanghai:East China Normal University, 2019.
Authors:  Lei, S. M.;  Wong, S. P.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/20
Motor Development  Home Physical Environment  Young Children  Macau  
How parents' perception in physical play influence the motor development of young children Conference paper
Li, Z. A., Lei, S. M.. How parents' perception in physical play influence the motor development of young children[C]:AIESEP, 2018.
Authors:  Li, Z. A.;  Lei, S. M.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/04
Children  Family physical education  motor development  parents' perception  
How Technology Affects the Development of Motor Skills of Young Children under Three Years Old Conference paper
Lei, S. M., Zhao , B.W., Cai , Y.X.. How Technology Affects the Development of Motor Skills of Young Children under Three Years Old[C], Opatija:OMEP, 2017.
Authors:  Lei, S. M.;  Zhao , B.W.;  Cai , Y.X.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/04
Home Environment  Motor Development  Technology Use