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Multiplying DLLs Book chapter
出自: Phase-Locked Frequency Generation and Clocking: Architectures and circuits for modern wireless and wireline systems, INST ENGINEERING TECH-IET, MICHAEL FARADAY HOUSE, STEVENAGE, HERTS SG1 2AY, ENGLAND:Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020, 页码:645-664
Authors:  Yang, Shiheng;  Yin, Jun;  Mak, Pui In;  Martins, Rui P.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/12/03
Clocks  Delay Lock Loops  Jitter  Low-power Electronics  Multiplying Circuits  System-on-chip  Voltage-controlled Oscillators