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Defense against Advanced Persistent Threat through Data Backup and Recovery Journal article
Yang, Lu Xing, Huang, Kaifan, Yang, Xiaofan, Zhang, Yushu, Xiang, Yong, Tang, Yuan Yan. Defense against Advanced Persistent Threat through Data Backup and Recovery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(3), 2001-2013.
Authors:  Yang, Lu Xing;  Huang, Kaifan;  Yang, Xiaofan;  Zhang, Yushu;  Xiang, Yong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:6.7/6.0 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Advanced Persistent Threat  Data Backup And Recovery  Dbar-based Apt Defense Mechanism  Dbars Problem  Differential Game  Nash Equilibrium  Software-defined Networking  
On imperfect pricing in globally constrained noncooperative games for cognitive radio networks Journal article
Jiaheng Wang, Yongming Huang, Jiantao Zhou, Liang Sun. On imperfect pricing in globally constrained noncooperative games for cognitive radio networks[J]. Signal Processing, 2015, 117, 96-101.
Authors:  Jiaheng Wang;  Yongming Huang;  Jiantao Zhou;  Liang Sun
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Cognitive Radio Networks  Imperfect Pricing  Nash Equilibrium Problem  Noncooperative Game