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The Palgrave Handbook on Politics of Gender and Identity in the Lusophone World: Referencing the past, understanding the present, and preparing the future Book
Leandro, Francisco. The Palgrave Handbook on Politics of Gender and Identity in the Lusophone World: Referencing the past, understanding the present, and preparing the future[M]. Singapore:Palgrave Macmillan, 2025.
Authors:  Leandro, Francisco
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Gender  Portuguese-speaking Countries  Economics  Culture  Politics  
Efeitos da manipulação da complexidade da tarefa na produção escrita em português como língua estrangeira Journal article
Santos, Sara. Efeitos da manipulação da complexidade da tarefa na produção escrita em português como língua estrangeira[J]. HISPANIA, 2024, 107(4), 503-518.
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/08/15
Cognitive Complexity/complexidade Cognitiva, Linguistic Complexity, Accuracy And Fluency/complexidade Linguística, Correção e Fluência, Narrative TAsk/tarefa Narrativa, Portuguese As a Foreign Language/português Como Língua Estrangeira, Written Production/produção Escrita  
Task sequencing on oral performance in Portuguese as a foreign language Journal article
Santos, Sara. Task sequencing on oral performance in Portuguese as a foreign language[J]. Moderna Sprak, 2024, 118(3), 70-88.
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.1/0.1 | Submit date:2024/08/15
Simplify, Stabilise/ Automatise/ Restructure, Complexify (Ssarc), TAsk Sequencing, Complexity, Accuracy, And Fluency, TAsk-bAsed Syllabus Design, Portuguese As a Foreign Language  
Portuguese-speaking African nations look eastward Newspaper Article
Authors:  Leandro, Francisco;  Li, Yichao
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Portuguese Speaking Counties  Focac  China  Africa  
Chinese Partnerships and Portuguese-Speaking Countries: Tailor-Made Cooperation Models Review article
Authors:  Leandro, Francisco;  Li, Yichao
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China  Portuguese Speaking Counties  Focac  China  Africa  Partnerships  
Perspectives and Trends in Foreign Language Policies in China:The Case of Portuguese Perspectives et tendances en politiques en matière de langues étrangères en Chine: le cas du portugais Perspectivas e tendências das políticas de línguas estrangeiras na China: o caso do português Perspectivas y tendencias en políticas de lengua extranjera en China: el caso del portugués Journal article
Jatobá, Júlio Reis. Perspectives and Trends in Foreign Language Policies in China:The Case of Portuguese Perspectives et tendances en politiques en matière de langues étrangères en Chine: le cas du portugais Perspectivas e tendências das políticas de línguas estrangeiras na China: o caso do português Perspectivas y tendencias en políticas de lengua extranjera en China: el caso del portugués[J]. Íkala Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 2024, 29(3), e11356580.
Authors:  Jatobá, Júlio Reis
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Geopolitics  Chinese Foreign Policy  Language Planning  Portuguese Language  
Perspectives and trends in foreign language policies in China: the Portuguese as an example Journal article
Jatobá, Júlio Reis. Perspectives and trends in foreign language policies in China: the Portuguese as an example[J]. Ikala, 2024.
Authors:  Jatobá, Júlio Reis
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Geopolitics, Chinese Foreign Policy, Language Planning, Portuguese Language.  
Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language Journal article
Santos, Sara. Input enhancement type, intake, and reading comprehension in Portuguese as a foreign language[J]. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2024, 2(25), e36123.
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2023/08/07
Types Of Input Enhancement  Intake  Portuguese As a Foreign Language  Form-focused Analytical Approach  
University of Macau, 16-18 October 2023
Authors:  CHEN ZHONG;  GROSSO, MARIA JOSÉ;  Zhang, Jing
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中文  Portuguese  Fórum Internacional  
中葡論壇成員國對 論壇未來對外關係 的四大期望 Newspaper Article
Authors:  Leandro, Francisco
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Forum Macau  Portuguese Speaking Countires