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0.4-V Supply, 12-nW Reverse Bandgap Voltage Reference With Single BJT and Indirect Curvature Compensation Journal article
Lee, Chon Fai, Chi-Wa, U., Martins, Rui P., Lam, Chi Seng. 0.4-V Supply, 12-nW Reverse Bandgap Voltage Reference With Single BJT and Indirect Curvature Compensation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, 2024, 71(11), 5040-5053.
Authors:  Lee, Chon Fai;  Chi-Wa, U.;  Martins, Rui P.;  Lam, Chi Seng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:5.2/4.5 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Bandgap Voltage Reference  Reverse Bandgap  Nonlinear Current  Leakage Current  Temperature Coefficient  Internet Of Things  Energy Harvesting  
1-kV Sputtered p-NiO/n-Ga2O3 Heterojunction Diodes with an Ultra-Low Leakage Current below μ A/cm2 Journal article
Lu, Xing, Zhou, Xianda, Jiang, Huaxing, Ng, Kar Wei, Chen, Zimin, Pei, Yanli, Lau, Kei May, Wang, Gang. 1-kV Sputtered p-NiO/n-Ga2O3 Heterojunction Diodes with an Ultra-Low Leakage Current below μ A/cm2[J]. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2020, 41(3), 449-452.
Authors:  Lu, Xing;  Zhou, Xianda;  Jiang, Huaxing;  Ng, Kar Wei;  Chen, Zimin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:170 TC[Scopus]:176  IF:4.1/4.2 | Submit date:2021/09/17
Breakdown Voltage  Heterojunction  Nio  P-n Diode  Reverse Leakage Current  Β-=ga2o3  
A 0.032-mm^2 0.15-V 3-Stage Charge-Pump Scheme Using a Differential Bootstrapped Ring-VCO for Energy-Harvesting Applications Journal article
Yi, H., Yin, J., Mak, P. I., Martins, R. P.. A 0.032-mm^2 0.15-V 3-Stage Charge-Pump Scheme Using a Differential Bootstrapped Ring-VCO for Energy-Harvesting Applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018, 146-150.
Authors:  Yi, H.;  Yin, J.;  Mak, P. I.;  Martins, R. P.
Favorite |   IF:4.0/3.7 | Submit date:2022/01/24
Bootstrapped  CMOS  energy harvesting  charge pump (CP)  ring-VCO  reverse current  ultra-low voltage  
A 0.032-mm2 0.15-V Three-Stage Charge-Pump Scheme Using a Differential Bootstrapped Ring-VCO for Energy-Harvesting Applications Journal article
Haidong Yi, Jun Yin, Pui-In Mak, Rui P. Martins. A 0.032-mm2 0.15-V Three-Stage Charge-Pump Scheme Using a Differential Bootstrapped Ring-VCO for Energy-Harvesting Applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018, 65(2), 146-150.
Authors:  Haidong Yi;  Jun Yin;  Pui-In Mak;  Rui P. Martins
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:63 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Bootstrapped  Charge Pump (Cp)  Cmos  Energy Harvesting  Reverse Current  Ring-vco  Ultra-low Voltage  
Adaptive On/Off Delay-Compensated Active Rectifiers for Wireless Power Transfer Systems Journal article
Cheng L., Ki W.-H., Lu Y., Yim T.-S.. Adaptive On/Off Delay-Compensated Active Rectifiers for Wireless Power Transfer Systems[J]. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2016, 51(3), 712-723.
Authors:  Cheng L.;  Ki W.-H.;  Lu Y.;  Yim T.-S.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:122 TC[Scopus]:139 | Submit date:2019/02/14
Active Rectifier  Comparator Delay  Delay Compensation  Inductive Coupling  Pvt Variations  Resonant Wireless Power Transfer (R-wpt)  Reverse Current Control