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The Role and Influence of Portuguese Law in the Macau SAR of People’s Republic of China: Issues and Perspectives Book chapter
出自: Portugal and the Lusophone World: Law, Geopolitics and Institutional Cooperation:Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 页码:65-86
Authors:  Cardinal, Paulo
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China  Comparative Law  Continuity  Hybrid Systems  Legal Families  Macau  Portuguese Law  Roman-german Legal Family  Special Administrative Region  
Stefano Porcelli, Hetong e contractvs, Per una riscoperta dell'idea di reciprocità nel dialogo tra diritto cinese e diritto romano Journal article
MARIA ISABEL CAVALEIRO FERREIRA MOUSINHO FIGUEIREDO. Stefano Porcelli, Hetong e contractvs, Per una riscoperta dell'idea di reciprocità nel dialogo tra diritto cinese e diritto romano[J]. Interpretatio Prudentium, 2021, VI(2), 5.
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Legal History  Chinese Contract Law  Roman Law  Causa Contractus  
普塔法學方法論的“秩序”觀念:德國18世紀法學的新嘗試 Journal article
吳奇琦. 普塔法學方法論的“秩序”觀念:德國18世紀法學的新嘗試[J]. 中德私法研究, 2021, 20, 177-203.
Authors:  吳奇琦
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Johann Stephan Pütter(约翰•史特凡•普塔)  The 18th-century German Law  Order (Ordnung)  General Part (Allgemeiner Teil)  Teaching Method (Lehart) Of Roman Private Law  十八世纪德国法学  秩序(ordnung)  总则  罗马私法教学方法  Johann Stephan Pütter  
羅馬法學與希臘哲學的相遇:民法上的 substantia 與 essentia 理論 Presentation
会议地点: 廈門大學法學院, 会议日期: 2018年11月11日, 报告日期: 2018-11-01
Authors:  吳奇琦
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羅馬法  希臘哲學  中世紀法  亞里士多德  註釋學派  本體  實質  本質  Roman Law  Greek Philosophy  Medieval Law  Aristotle  Substance  Substantia  Substantialism  Essence  Essentia  Essentialism  
《民法中的哲學:民法上實質(substantia)與本質(essentia)理論的古典哲學起源與演變》 Thesis
吳奇琦. 《民法中的哲學:民法上實質(substantia)與本質(essentia)理論的古典哲學起源與演變》[D]. 澳門, 澳門大學, 2018, 742.
Authors:  吳奇琦
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實質  本體  本質  加工  實質錯誤  法律行為要素  形式  質料  羅馬法  希臘哲學  亞里士多德哲學  經院哲學  形而上學  形上學  Substance  Substantia  Substantialiam  Essence  Essentia  Essentialism  Specification  Error In Substantia  Essentialia Negotii  Form  Forma  Matter  Materia  Roman Law  Greek Philosophy  Aristotle  Aristotelianism  Scholasticism  Metaphysics