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A longitudinal study on the role of social axioms in Chinese university students’ psychological well-being Journal article
He, Mu, Tong, Kwok Kit. A longitudinal study on the role of social axioms in Chinese university students’ psychological well-being[J]. Current Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  He, Mu;  Tong, Kwok Kit
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2024/12/26
Fate Control  Feeling  Flourishing  Social Axiom  Social Cynicism  Well-being  
Civic engagement in a health crisis: the role of procedural fairness, trust in public authority, and generalized social beliefs Journal article
Tong, Kwok Kit, Wu, Anise M.S., Yu, Eilo Wing yat, Chen, Juliet Honglei. Civic engagement in a health crisis: the role of procedural fairness, trust in public authority, and generalized social beliefs[J]. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2024.
Authors:  Tong, Kwok Kit;  Wu, Anise M.S.;  Yu, Eilo Wing yat;  Chen, Juliet Honglei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.5/1.9 | Submit date:2024/07/04
Civic Engagement  Health Crisis  Procedural Fairness  Social Axiom  Trust