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Understanding destination information cocoons and polarization of travel attitude and intention: How can travel experiences mitigate bias? Journal article
Huang, Guo Qiong Ivanka, Wong, Ip Kin Anthony, Zhou Torres, Wanyi Christina, Davari, Dori, Xie, Haoxiang. Understanding destination information cocoons and polarization of travel attitude and intention: How can travel experiences mitigate bias?[J]. Tourism Management, 2025, 107, 105075.
Authors:  Huang, Guo Qiong Ivanka;  Wong, Ip Kin Anthony;  Zhou Torres, Wanyi Christina;  Davari, Dori;  Xie, Haoxiang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Destination Information Cocoon  Social Identity  System Justification  Cognitive Dissonance  Trade War  The Elastic Net synThetic Control Method  
A longitudinal study on the role of social axioms in Chinese university students’ psychological well-being Journal article
He, Mu, Tong, Kwok Kit. A longitudinal study on the role of social axioms in Chinese university students’ psychological well-being[J]. Current Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  He, Mu;  Tong, Kwok Kit
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2024/12/26
Fate Control  Feeling  Flourishing  Social Axiom  Social Cynicism  Well-being  
A network model of depressive and anxiety symptoms: a statistical evaluation Review article
Authors:  Cai, Hong;  Chen, Meng Yi;  Li, Xiao Hong;  Zhang, Ling;  Su, Zhaohui; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:9.6/11.1 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Sleep  Stress  Amygdala  Mental-health  Social Support  Managing Fatigue  Cognitive Control  Prefrontal Cortex  Attentional Control  Mood Disorders  
The psychometric property of a short-form of the Social Axioms Survey (SAS II) Journal article
Tong, Kwok Kit, Chen, Juliet Honglei, He, Mu. The psychometric property of a short-form of the Social Axioms Survey (SAS II)[J]. BMC Psychology, 2023, 11(1), 377.
Authors:  Tong, Kwok Kit;  Chen, Juliet Honglei;  He, Mu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Cognitive Flexibility  Interpersonal Trust  Locus Of Control  Paranormal Belief  Personality  Short Form  Social Axioms  Social Belief  
Social Network Matters: Capital Structure Risk Control on REITs Journal article
Ko, Stanley Iat Meng, Lai, Rose Neng, Qin, Zhenjiang. Social Network Matters: Capital Structure Risk Control on REITs[J]. JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS, 2023, 66(3), 709-742.
Authors:  Ko, Stanley Iat Meng;  Lai, Rose Neng;  Qin, Zhenjiang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.7/1.7 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Capital Structure Risk Control  Centrality  Financial Crisis  Networks Of Reits  Social Networks  
Social trust and internal control extensiveness: Evidence from China Journal article
Baohua Liu, Wan Huang, Kam C. Chan, Tao Chen. Social trust and internal control extensiveness: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2022, 41(3), 106940.
Authors:  Baohua Liu;  Wan Huang;  Kam C. Chan;  Tao Chen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:31 TC[Scopus]:33  IF:3.3/4.6 | Submit date:2022/05/17
External Corporate Governance  Internal Control Extensiveness  Social Trust  
An Efficient Feedback Control Mechanism for Positive/Negative Information Spread in Online Social Networks Journal article
Wang, Xiaoming, Wang, Xinyan, Min, Geyong, Hao, Fei, Chen, C. L.Philip. An Efficient Feedback Control Mechanism for Positive/Negative Information Spread in Online Social Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(1), 87-100.
Authors:  Wang, Xiaoming;  Wang, Xinyan;  Min, Geyong;  Hao, Fei;  Chen, C. L.Philip
Favorite | TC[WOS]:46 TC[Scopus]:50  IF:9.4/10.3 | Submit date:2022/02/22
Feedback Control  Information Spread And Sharing  Online Social Networks (Osns)  Pontryagin's Maximum Principle  
Tourist misbehavior: Psychological closeness to fellow consumers and informal social control Journal article
Wan, Lisa C., Hui, Michael K., Qiu, Yao (Chloe). Tourist misbehavior: Psychological closeness to fellow consumers and informal social control[J]. Tourism Management, 2021, 83, 104258.
Authors:  Wan, Lisa C.;  Hui, Michael K.;  Qiu, Yao (Chloe)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:30 TC[Scopus]:34  IF:10.9/11.5 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Informal Social Control  Personal Implication  Psychological Closeness  Tourist Misbehavior  
Do Social Bonds Matter? Social Control Theory and Its Relationship to Desistance From Substance Abuse in China Journal article
Wu,Guangzhen, Jianhong Liu, Boateng,Francis D., Cui,Shan, Shuai,Honglan. Do Social Bonds Matter? Social Control Theory and Its Relationship to Desistance From Substance Abuse in China[J]. Journal of Drug Issues, 2021, 51(1), 50-67.
Authors:  Wu,Guangzhen;  Jianhong Liu;  Boateng,Francis D.;  Cui,Shan;  Shuai,Honglan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:1.2/1.4 | Submit date:2020/12/04
China  Desistance  Social Bonds  Social Control  Substance Abuse  
Stochastic and Deterministic State-Dependent Social Networks Journal article
Silvestre, Daniel, Rosa, Paulo, Hespanha, Joao P., Silvestre, Carlos. Stochastic and Deterministic State-Dependent Social Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 52(2), 911-926.
Authors:  Silvestre, Daniel;  Rosa, Paulo;  Hespanha, Joao P.;  Silvestre, Carlos
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:8.6/8.7 | Submit date:2022/03/04
Computer Networks  Control Systems  Diffusion Processes  Distributed Algorithms  Social Factors