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Teaching Writing in Grades 7–9 in Urban Schools in Chinese Societies in Asia Journal article
Tien Ping Hsiang, Steve Graham, Ping Man Wong. Teaching Writing in Grades 7–9 in Urban Schools in Chinese Societies in Asia[J]. READING RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 2018, 53(4), 473-507.
Authors:  Tien Ping Hsiang;  Steve Graham;  Ping Man Wong
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:22 TC[Scopus]:23  IF:3.9/4.9 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Content Literacy  Text Types  Text Features  Research Methodology  Survey  Strategies  Methods  And Materials  Writing Strategies  Theoretical Perspectives  Sociocultural  Writing  Genres  Grammar  Writer's Workshop  Writing Process  Writing To Learn  Adolescence  
Traditional Resources, Internet Resources, and Youth Online Political Participation: The Resource Theory Revisited in the Chinese Context Journal article
Wang, H, Cai, T., Mou, Y, Shi, F. Traditional Resources, Internet Resources, and Youth Online Political Participation: The Resource Theory Revisited in the Chinese Context[J]. CHINESE SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2017, 1-22.
Authors:  Wang, H;  Cai, T.;  Mou, Y;  Shi, F
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:2.2/3.8 | Submit date:2022/06/22
Resource Theory  Online Expressive Participation  Online Collective Action Participation  College Students  Urban China  Survey Methods  
Methodological challenges to collecting primary data on Internet users in rural China Journal article
Ting, Y. F., Sandel, T. L.. Methodological challenges to collecting primary data on Internet users in rural China[J]. Information Development, 2016, 117-126.
Authors:  Ting, Y. F.;  Sandel, T. L.
Favorite |   IF:2.0/2.2 | Submit date:2022/08/23
Rural  China  Survey  Research methods  Fieldwork