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The role of major customers’ qualitative forward-looking information in affecting suppliers’ future operating performance Journal article
ZHANG HAO, Can Chen, Chunyip Yuen, Jijie Yan. The role of major customers’ qualitative forward-looking information in affecting suppliers’ future operating performance[J]. Accounting Forum, 2024.
Authors:  ZHANG HAO;  Can Chen;  Chunyip Yuen;  Jijie Yan
Favorite |   IF:2.8/4.0 | Submit date:2023/12/26
Textual Readability  Textual Uncertainty  Textual Tone  Management Earnings Forecasts Report  Supply Chain  
Cold tones for sincerity and warm tones for excitement: interactive effects of color tone and brand personality on brand evaluation Journal article
Yang, Yang, Ye, Xinnan, Chen, Sirong, Zhao, Yan, Law, Rob, Yang, Lu. Cold tones for sincerity and warm tones for excitement: interactive effects of color tone and brand personality on brand evaluation[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2024, 29(10), 1222-1236.
Authors:  Yang, Yang;  Ye, Xinnan;  Chen, Sirong;  Zhao, Yan;  Law, Rob; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.3/4.4 | Submit date:2024/08/05
Brand Personality Communication  Color Tone  Hospitality Decoration  Perceived Fluency  Tourism Marketing  
Phonological recovery during Chinese sentence reading: effects of rime and tone Journal article
Yan, Ming, Tsang, Yiu Kei, Pan, Jinger. Phonological recovery during Chinese sentence reading: effects of rime and tone[J]. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2024, 39(4), 501-512.
Authors:  Yan, Ming;  Tsang, Yiu Kei;  Pan, Jinger
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.6/2.3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Phonology  Rime  Tone  Chinese  Reading  
The advantage of the music-enabled brain in accommodating lexical tone variabilities Journal article
Zhang, Kaile, Tao, Ran, Peng, Gang. The advantage of the music-enabled brain in accommodating lexical tone variabilities[J]. Brain and Language, 2023, 247, 105348.
Authors:  Zhang, Kaile;  Tao, Ran;  Peng, Gang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.1/2.3 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Lexical Tone  Music Training Experience  Source Analysis  Speech Normalization  Time Course  
Is Negative Group Affective Tone Always Bad For Team Creativity? Team Trait Learning Goal Orientation as the Boundary Condition Journal article
Chi, Nai Wen, Lam, Long W.. Is Negative Group Affective Tone Always Bad For Team Creativity? Team Trait Learning Goal Orientation as the Boundary Condition[J]. GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT, 2022, 47(1), 72-108.
Authors:  Chi, Nai Wen;  Lam, Long W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:4.0/4.7 | Submit date:2022/03/04
Group Affective Tone  Learning Goal Orientation  Team Composition  Team Creativity  Team Information Exchange  
Effects of arachidonic acid metabolites on cardiovascular health and disease Journal article
Zhou, Yan, Khan, Haroon, Xiao, Jianbo, Cheang, Wai San. Effects of arachidonic acid metabolites on cardiovascular health and disease[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(21).
Authors:  Zhou, Yan;  Khan, Haroon;  Xiao, Jianbo;  Cheang, Wai San
Favorite | TC[WOS]:92 TC[Scopus]:90  IF:4.9/5.6 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Arachidonic Acid  Cardiovascular Disease  Prostaglandin  Vascular Tone  
Sandhi-tone words prolong fixation duration during silent sentence reading in Chinese Journal article
Pan, Jinger, Zhang, Caicai, Huang, Xunan, Yan, Ming. Sandhi-tone words prolong fixation duration during silent sentence reading in Chinese[J]. READING AND WRITING, 2021, 34(4), 841-857.
Authors:  Pan, Jinger;  Zhang, Caicai;  Huang, Xunan;  Yan, Ming
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:2.0/2.8 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Chinese  Eye Movement  Sentence Reading  Tone Sandhi  
Brain Hemispheres Swap Dominance for Processing Semantically Meaningful Pitch Journal article
Wang, Xiao Dong, Xu, Hong, Yuan, Zhen, Luo, Hao, Wang, Ming, Li, Hua Wei, Chen, Lin. Brain Hemispheres Swap Dominance for Processing Semantically Meaningful Pitch[J]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 15, 621677.
Authors:  Wang, Xiao Dong;  Xu, Hong;  Yuan, Zhen;  Luo, Hao;  Wang, Ming; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.4/3.0 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Brain Laterality  Lexical Tone  Mismatch Negativity  Reaction Time  Auditory Processing  
Does Customers' Annual Report Tone have a Supply Chain Contagion Effect? —From the Perspective of Corporate Cash Holdings Journal article
Di, L.L., Luo, Y.G., Jiang, W., Chen, C.. Does Customers' Annual Report Tone have a Supply Chain Contagion Effect? —From the Perspective of Corporate Cash Holdings[J]. Management World (in chinese), 2020, 36(8), 148-162.
Authors:  Di, L.L.;  Luo, Y.G.;  Jiang, W.;  Chen, C.
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Annual Report Tone  Cash Holdings  Supply Chain Contagion  Text Analysis  
What threatens employees’ thriving at work under leader-member exchange? The role of store spatial crowding and team negative affective tone. Journal article
Xu, A. J., Loi, R., Chow, C. W. C.. What threatens employees’ thriving at work under leader-member exchange? The role of store spatial crowding and team negative affective tone.[J]. Human Resource Management, 2019, 371-382.
Authors:  Xu, A. J.;  Loi, R.;  Chow, C. W. C.
Favorite |   IF:6.0/7.0 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Leader-member exchange (LMX)  store spatial crowding  team negative affective tone  thriving at work