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The more perceived training effectiveness, the greater the risk of voluntary separation: testing a turnover intent model among police officers in Taiwan Journal article
Lin,Wen Yu, Lai,Yung Lien, Luo,Fei, Kuo,Shih ya, Chang,Kwang Ming. The more perceived training effectiveness, the greater the risk of voluntary separation: testing a turnover intent model among police officers in Taiwan[J]. Policing, 2023, 46(4), 623-638.
Authors:  Lin,Wen Yu;  Lai,Yung Lien;  Luo,Fei;  Kuo,Shih ya;  Chang,Kwang Ming
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:1.4/1.8 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Job Satisfaction  Job Stressor  Organizational Commitment  Training Effectiveness  Turnover Intent  
The more perceived training effectiveness, the greater the risk of voluntary separation: Testing a turnover intent model among police officers in Taiwan Journal article
Lin, Wen Yu, Lai, Yuan Lien, Luo, Fei, Kuo, Shih Ya, Chang, Kuang-Ming. The more perceived training effectiveness, the greater the risk of voluntary separation: Testing a turnover intent model among police officers in Taiwan[J]. Policing: An International Journal, 2023, 1-16.
Authors:  Lin, Wen Yu;  Lai, Yuan Lien;  Luo, Fei;  Kuo, Shih Ya;  Chang, Kuang-Ming
Favorite |   IF:1.4/1.8 | Submit date:2023/07/11
Turnover Intent  Job Satisfaction  Organizational Commitment  Job Stressor  Training Effectiveness