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From liquid to solid: A novel approach for utilizing sulfate reduction effluent through phase transition — Effluent-induced nanoscale zerovalent iron sulfidation Journal article
Cheng,Yujun, Dong,Haoran, Hao,Tianwei. From liquid to solid: A novel approach for utilizing sulfate reduction effluent through phase transition — Effluent-induced nanoscale zerovalent iron sulfidation[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 385, 129440.
Authors:  Cheng,Yujun;  Dong,Haoran;  Hao,Tianwei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:9.7/9.4 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Hexavalent Chromium Removal  Resource Reuse  Structural Equation Modeling  Sulfide-containing Wastewater  Sulfur Precursor  
Resources recycle of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wastewater 1: Effectiveness of the UF-MD hybrid system and MD process optimization Journal article
Zhong, Wenwei, Zhao, Yingnan, Chen, Shunquan, Zhong, Jialun, Guo, Li Wei, Zheng, Dongyang, Xie, Chun, Ji, Chao, Guo, Yi, Dong, Guangxi, Zhang, Fengyuan, An, Alicia, Li, Shaoping, Li, Sheng. Resources recycle of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wastewater 1: Effectiveness of the UF-MD hybrid system and MD process optimization[J]. DESALINATION, 2021, 504, 114953.
Authors:  Zhong, Wenwei;  Zhao, Yingnan;  Chen, Shunquan;  Zhong, Jialun;  Guo, Li Wei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:10  IF:8.3/8.7 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Membrane Distillation  Resource Recycle  Traditional Chinese Medicines  Wastewater Reuse  
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Wastewater treatment and reuse using A2O process coupled with microfiltration Conference paper
Lu Q, Xie W, Sun J, Shim H. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Wastewater treatment and reuse using A2O process coupled with microfiltration[C], 2011.
Authors:  Lu Q;  Xie W;  Sun J;  Shim H
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/02/14
Microfiltration  Nutrients Removal  Organics Removal  Wastewater Reuse