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National Unemployment Rate and the Meaning of Work: A Cross-level Examination Journal article
Jing Hu, Tony Huiquan Zhang. National Unemployment Rate and the Meaning of Work: A Cross-level Examination[J]. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2024.
Authors:  Jing Hu;  Tony Huiquan Zhang
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Work Meaning  Unemployment  Intrinsic Motivation  Extrinsic Motivation  Uncertainty  
The Influence of Future Work Self on Psychological Flourishing: A Chain Mediation Analysis Among Chinese University Students Conference paper
Fang He
, Anting Yang
, Ting Zhou, Zheng Huang. The Influence of Future Work Self on Psychological Flourishing: A Chain Mediation Analysis Among Chinese University Students[C], New York, United States:Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, 647-655.
Authors:  Fang He
;  Anting Yang
;  Ting Zhou;  Zheng Huang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Career Adaptability  Future Work Self  MeanIng In Life  Psychological Flourishing  
Development or maintenance? Dual-oriented human resource system, employee achievement motivation, and work well-being Journal article
Congcong Lin, Xiufeng Li, Long W. Lam. Development or maintenance? Dual-oriented human resource system, employee achievement motivation, and work well-being[J]. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 2020, 59(4), 311-325.
Authors:  Congcong Lin;  Xiufeng Li;  Long W. Lam
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:6.0/7.0 | Submit date:2020/07/10
Dual-oriented Hr System  Work Well-being  Employee Achievement Motivation  Work Meaning