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From Bildungsroman to historical fiction: the genre variation of the translation of Bronze and Sunflower Journal article
Cui, Zihan, Xu, Minhui. From Bildungsroman to historical fiction: the genre variation of the translation of Bronze and Sunflower[J]. Neohelicon, 2024, 51(2), 625-642.
Authors:  Cui, Zihan;  Xu, Minhui
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2024/12/26
Bronze And Sunflower  Children’s Literature  Literary Genre  Literary Translation  
From Chinese Bildungsroman to historical fiction Journal article
Cui Zihan, Xu Minhui. From Chinese Bildungsroman to historical fiction[J]. Neohelicon, 2024.
Authors:  Cui Zihan;  Xu Minhui
Favorite |   IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2024/08/22
Correction to: Alice’s adventures in China: the tourist gaze, the genre of travel writing, and the uncanny (Neohelicon, (2023), 10.1007/s11059-023-00704-x) Other
Authors:  Cao, Qilin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Alice’s adventures in China: the tourist gaze, the genre of travel writing, and the uncanny Journal article
Cao, Qilin. Alice’s adventures in China: the tourist gaze, the genre of travel writing, and the uncanny[J]. Neohelicon, 2024, 51(1), 349-367.
Authors:  Cao, Qilin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2024/02/23
Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland  Parody  The Tourist Gaze  The Uncanny  Travel Writing  
Literary translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution Journal article
Sun, Yifeng. Literary translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution[J]. Neohelicon, 2023, 50(2), 669-686.
Authors:  Sun, Yifeng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Anonymous Translation  Cultural Revolution  Internal Circulation  Private Translation  
Literary Translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution Journal article
SUN YIFENG. Literary Translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution[J]. Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, 2023, 50(2), 669-686.
Authors:  SUN YIFENG
Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/09/06
Storytelling for a Republic of Childhood: Rebranding China's National Images in Children's Literature Journal article
Chengcheng You. Storytelling for a Republic of Childhood: Rebranding China's National Images in Children's Literature[J]. Neohelicon, 2023, 50(1), 37-53.
Authors:  Chengcheng You
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2022/07/26
Chinese Children’s Literature  Comparative Literature  Storytelling  National Image  Translation  Bildungsroman  Genre  
Debatable genre: comparative poetics in the wild animal stories of Ernest Thompson Seton and Shixi Shen Journal article
You, Chengcheng. Debatable genre: comparative poetics in the wild animal stories of Ernest Thompson Seton and Shixi Shen[J]. Neohelicon, 2022, 49(1), 321–336.
Authors:  You, Chengcheng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Chinese Wild Animal Story  Anthropocene  Anthropomorphism  Nonhuman Point Of View  Conservation Ethics  
Debatable genre: comparative poetics in the wild animal stories of Ernest Thompson Seton and Shixi Shen Journal article
You, Chengcheng. Debatable genre: comparative poetics in the wild animal stories of Ernest Thompson Seton and Shixi Shen[J]. Neohelicon, 2022, 49(1), 321–336.
Authors:  You, Chengcheng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2022/05/17
Anthropomorphism  Ecoambiguity  Ernest Thompson Seton  Shixi Shen  Zoopoetics  
An experience of in-betweenness: Translation as border writing in Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese Journal article
Yuechen Wang. An experience of in-betweenness: Translation as border writing in Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese[J]. NEOHELICON, 2021, 48(1), 161-178.
Authors:  Yuechen Wang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:0.2/0.2 | Submit date:2021/12/08
American Born Chinese  Border Writing  Graphic Novel  Identity  Translation