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FED STEAM Team: 影子和我 Courseware
适用对象: 50 (P3), 2024-11-06
Authors:  向炫谕;  羅黃尹;  黃詩敏;  萬菁;  王晴; et al.
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Steam  問題導向學習  科學探究過程  繪本 (圖畫書) 閱讀  Self-regulated Learning  影子  創意繪畫  
FED STEAM Team: 探索橋樑的秘密 Courseware
适用对象: 50 (P4), 2024-11-06
Authors:  潘曄禧;  劉豐;  曾沛釗;  洪采楹;  李星瑩; et al.
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Steam  問題導向學習  科學探究過程  閱讀  Self-regulated Learning  橋樑結構  還保節能  
How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model Journal article
xiaowei tang. How are social context factors related to epistemological beliefs, motivations, and achievement in science? A serial mediation model[J]. Research in Science & Technological Education, 2024.
Authors:  xiaowei tang
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.8/2.0 | Submit date:2024/05/22
Epistemological Belief  Intrinsic Motivation  Social Context Factor  Achievement In Science  Serial Mediation Model  
When Structure and Content of Socioscientific Argumentation Develop in an Unbalanced Way: A Case Study Conference paper
Xiaowei Tang, Jing Lin, Lihua Tan, Yi Kong. When Structure and Content of Socioscientific Argumentation Develop in an Unbalanced Way: A Case Study[C], 2024.
Authors:  Xiaowei Tang;  Jing Lin;  Lihua Tan;  Yi Kong
Microsoft Word | Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/05/22
FED STEAM Team: 降落傘之旅 Courseware
适用对象: 小學五年級 (20人), 2024-03-09
Authors:  陳芷晴;  古麗淼;  陳穎;  趙穎彤;  何敏菲; et al.
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Steam  問題導向學習  科學探究過程  合作學習  自我調整學習  降落傘  空氣阻力  飛行  責任感  
“I think of it that way and it helps me understand”: Anthropomorphism in elementary students' mechanistic stories Journal article
Tang XW(唐小為), David Hammer. “I think of it that way and it helps me understand”: Anthropomorphism in elementary students' mechanistic stories[J]. Science Education, 2024, 108(3), 661-679.
Authors:  Tang XW(唐小為);  David Hammer
Microsoft Word | Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:3.1/5.0 | Submit date:2023/08/29
Anthropomorphism  Mechanistic Reasoning  Storytelling  
Emergent learning about measurement and uncertainty in an inquiry context: A case from an elementary classroom Journal article
Tang, Xiaowei, Shu, Gang, Wei, Bing, Levin, Daniel. Emergent learning about measurement and uncertainty in an inquiry context: A case from an elementary classroom[J]. Science Education, 2024, 108(1), 308-331.
Authors:  Tang, Xiaowei;  Shu, Gang;  Wei, Bing;  Levin, Daniel
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:3.1/5.0 | Submit date:2024/03/12
Context-dependent  Measurement  Model-based  Uncertainty  
FED STEAM Team: 仿生術-向鳥類學飛 Courseware
适用对象: 小學五年級 (30人), 2023-11-08
Authors:  HSIANG, TIEN PING;  Tang, Xiaowei
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Steam  仿生    紙飛機  合作學習  探究學習  職業性向  
How does sound travel in a string Journal article
Gang Shu, TANG XIAOWEI. How does sound travel in a string[J]. Science and Children, 2023, 60(7).
Authors:  Gang Shu;  TANG XIAOWEI
Microsoft Word | Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/30
Understanding mechanistic reasoning from a complex system perspective Presentation
报告日期: 2023-09-01
Microsoft Powerpoint | Favorite |  | Submit date:2024/06/24