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Cognitive and foundational mathematics antecedents of pre-algebra: Focusing on dual-language learners with word-problem difficulty. Journal article
LIN XIN, Powell R. Sarah. Cognitive and foundational mathematics antecedents of pre-algebra: Focusing on dual-language learners with word-problem difficulty.[J]. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2025.
Authors:  LIN XIN;  Powell R. Sarah
Favorite |   IF:2.4/3.6 | Submit date:2025/01/27
The impact of intervention on the learning and retention of specific word-problem characteristics of students with word-problem difficulties. Journal article
LIN XIN, Powell R. Sarah. The impact of intervention on the learning and retention of specific word-problem characteristics of students with word-problem difficulties.[J]. Learning Disability Research & Practices, 2025.
Authors:  LIN XIN;  Powell R. Sarah
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The gratitude model of body appreciation and intuitive eating: Replication and extension of the model to explain intuitive eating facets among young adult women in China Journal article
Huang, Zizhen, Wang, Siyu, Lin, Yitong, Cui, Tianxiang, Barnhart, Wesley R., Gaggiano, Christina M., Ji, Feng, He, Jinbo. The gratitude model of body appreciation and intuitive eating: Replication and extension of the model to explain intuitive eating facets among young adult women in China[J]. Appetite, 2024, 203, 107672.
Authors:  Huang, Zizhen;  Wang, Siyu;  Lin, Yitong;  Cui, Tianxiang;  Barnhart, Wesley R.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.6/4.5 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Body Appreciation  Chinese Women  Gratitude  Intuitive Eating  Structural Equation Modeling  
Development of a Fraction Vocabulary Measure Journal article
Lin, Xin, Powell, Sarah R.. Development of a Fraction Vocabulary Measure[J]. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 2024, 49(3), 138-147.
Authors:  Lin, Xin;  Powell, Sarah R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:1.2/1.3 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Fractions  Mathematics Vocabulary  
A Meta-Analysis of Mathematics Interventions: Examining the Impacts of Intervention Characteristics Journal article
Rojo, Megan, Gersib, Jenna, Powell, Sarah R., Shen, Zhina, King, Sarah G., Akther, Syeda Sharjina, Arsenault, Tessa L., Bos, Samantha E., Lariviere, Danielle O., Lin, Xin. A Meta-Analysis of Mathematics Interventions: Examining the Impacts of Intervention Characteristics[J]. Educational Psychology Review, 2024, 36(1), 9.
Authors:  Rojo, Megan;  Gersib, Jenna;  Powell, Sarah R.;  Shen, Zhina;  King, Sarah G.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:10.1/12.5 | Submit date:2024/04/02
Intervention  Mathematics Difficulties  Special Education  
The Connections among Problematic Usage of the Internet, Psychological Distress, and Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Longitudinal Network Analysis in Chinese Adolescents Journal article
Lin, Yang, Ren, Yaoxiang, Barnhart, Wesley R., Cui, Tianxiang, Zhang, Jihong, He, Jinbo. The Connections among Problematic Usage of the Internet, Psychological Distress, and Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Longitudinal Network Analysis in Chinese Adolescents[J]. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2023.
Authors:  Lin, Yang;  Ren, Yaoxiang;  Barnhart, Wesley R.;  Cui, Tianxiang;  Zhang, Jihong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:3.2/4.7 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Adolescents  Chinese  Eating Disorder Symptoms  Longitudinal  Network Analysis  Problematic Usage Of The Internet  
Translation and validation of a Chinese version of the body talk scale for women and men Journal article
He, Jinbo, Lu, Yining, Barnhart, Wesley R., Tang, Chanyuan, Zhang, Hengyue, Zhao, Yiqing, Lin, Linda. Translation and validation of a Chinese version of the body talk scale for women and men[J]. Journal of Eating Disorders, 2023, 11(1), 153.
Authors:  He, Jinbo;  Lu, Yining;  Barnhart, Wesley R.;  Tang, Chanyuan;  Zhang, Hengyue; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:3.5/4.0 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Body Talk  Chinese  Fat Talk  Muscle Talk  Positive Body Talk  Validation  
Initial Efficacy of a Fraction-Vocabulary Intervention for Students Experiencing Mathematics Difficulty in Grade 4 Journal article
Lin, Xin, Powell, Sarah R.. Initial Efficacy of a Fraction-Vocabulary Intervention for Students Experiencing Mathematics Difficulty in Grade 4[J]. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 2023, 38(4), 253-262.
Authors:  Lin, Xin;  Powell, Sarah R.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:1.9/2.5 | Submit date:2024/01/10
Initial efficacy of a fraction vocabulary intervention for students experiencing mathematics difficulty in grade 4 Journal article
Xin Lin, Sarah R. Powell. Initial efficacy of a fraction vocabulary intervention for students experiencing mathematics difficulty in grade 4[J]. Learning Disabilities Research & Practices, 2023, 38(4), 253-262.
Authors:  Xin Lin;  Sarah R. Powell
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:1.9/2.5 | Submit date:2023/08/19
Exploring academic and cognitive skills impacting retention and acquisition of word-problem knowledge gained during or after intervention Journal article
Xin Lin, Sarah R. Powell. Exploring academic and cognitive skills impacting retention and acquisition of word-problem knowledge gained during or after intervention[J]. Child Development, 2023, 2023(94), e362– e376.
Authors:  Xin Lin;  Sarah R. Powell
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.9/4.9 | Submit date:2023/08/19