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ZnO-based ultraviolet avalanche photodetectors Journal article
Yu J., Shan C.X., Huang X.M., Zhang X.W., Wang S.P., Shen D.Z.. ZnO-based ultraviolet avalanche photodetectors[J]. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2013, 46(30).
Authors:  Yu J.;  Shan C.X.;  Huang X.M.;  Zhang X.W.;  Wang S.P.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:53 TC[Scopus]:56  IF:3.1/3.0 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Stability analysis of a parallel higher order basis based integral equation solver (HOBBIES) on a cluster with 512 AMD CPU cores Conference paper
Zhang Y., Zhao H., Ting S.W., Garcia-Donoro D., Zhao X.W., Salazar-Palma M., Sarkar T.K.. Stability analysis of a parallel higher order basis based integral equation solver (HOBBIES) on a cluster with 512 AMD CPU cores[C], 2011, 3925-3927.
Authors:  Zhang Y.;  Zhao H.;  Ting S.W.;  Garcia-Donoro D.;  Zhao X.W.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/03/01
matrix equation solving  matrix filling  stability  
Parallel higher order method of moments for accurate analysis of antenna-radome-platform system Conference paper
Zhao X.W., Zhang Y., Garcia-Donoro D., Sarkar T.K., Ting S.W.. Parallel higher order method of moments for accurate analysis of antenna-radome-platform system[C], 2011, 3932-3933.
Authors:  Zhao X.W.;  Zhang Y.;  Garcia-Donoro D.;  Sarkar T.K.;  Ting S.W.
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antenna-radome-missile  parallel higher order method of moments  radiation characteristics  
On the origin of intrinsic donors in ZnO Journal article
Sun F., Shan C.X., Wang S.P., Li B.H., Zhang J.Y., Zhang Z.Z., Zhao D.X., Yao B., Shen D.Z., Fan X.W.. On the origin of intrinsic donors in ZnO[J]. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2010, 256(11), 3390-3393.
Authors:  Sun F.;  Shan C.X.;  Wang S.P.;  Li B.H.;  Zhang J.Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:35 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:6.3/5.9 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Carrier Concentration  Hall Measurement  Intrinsic Donors  Zinc Oxide  
Expression of IL-1 mRNA in the dentate gyrus of adult rats following lithium-pilocarione-induced seizures Journal article
Zhang S.J., Li X.W., Wang Y., Wei D., Jiang W.. Expression of IL-1 mRNA in the dentate gyrus of adult rats following lithium-pilocarione-induced seizures[J]. Xi bao yu fen zi mian yi xue za zhi = Chinese journal of cellular and molecular immunology, 2010, 26(3), 288-290.
Authors:  Zhang S.J.;  Li X.W.;  Wang Y.;  Wei D.;  Jiang W.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/01/16
Degenerate layer at ZnO/sapphire interface Journal article
Li L., Shan C.X., Wang S.P., Li B.H., Zhang J.Y., Yao B., Shen D.Z., Fan X.W., Lu Y.M.. Degenerate layer at ZnO/sapphire interface[J]. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2009, 42(19).
Authors:  Li L.;  Shan C.X.;  Wang S.P.;  Li B.H.;  Zhang J.Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:3.1/3.0 | Submit date:2019/04/08
A facile route to arsenic-doped p-type ZnO films Journal article
Wang S.P., Shan C.X., Li B.H., Zhang J.Y., Yao B., Shen D.Z., Fan X.W.. A facile route to arsenic-doped p-type ZnO films[J]. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 2009, 311(14), 3577-3580.
Authors:  Wang S.P.;  Shan C.X.;  Li B.H.;  Zhang J.Y.;  Yao B.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:1.7/1.7 | Submit date:2019/04/08
A1. Diffusion  A1. Doping  A3. Molecular Beam Epitaxy  B2. Semiconducting Ii-vi Materials  
Electrical and optical properties of ZnO films grown by molecular beam epitaxy Journal article
Wang S.P., Shan C.X., Yao B., Li B.H., Zhang J.Y., Zhao D.X., Shen D.Z., Fan X.W.. Electrical and optical properties of ZnO films grown by molecular beam epitaxy[J]. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2009, 255(9), 4913-4915.
Authors:  Wang S.P.;  Shan C.X.;  Yao B.;  Li B.H.;  Zhang J.Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:6.3/5.9 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Grain Boundary  Hall Mobility  Molecular Beam Epitaxy  Zinc Oxide  
Fabrication of p-type nitrogen-doped MgZnO by depressing N-related donors Conference paper
Wei Z.P., Yao B., Li Y.F., Shen D.Z., Lu Y.M., Zhang Z.Z., Li B.H., Zheng C.J., Wang X.H., Zhang J.Y., Zhao D.X., Fan X.W., Tang Z.K.. Fabrication of p-type nitrogen-doped MgZnO by depressing N-related donors[C], 2008, 3043-3046.
Authors:  Wei Z.P.;  Yao B.;  Li Y.F.;  Shen D.Z.;  Lu Y.M.; et al.
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N doping  P-MBE  ZnMgO/ZnO p-n junction  
Fabrication of nitrogen doped p-ZnO and ZnO light-emitting diodes on sapphire Conference paper
Wei Z.P., Lu Y.M., Shen D.Z., Zhang Z.Z., Yao B., Li B.H., Zhang J.Y., Zhao D.X., Fan X.W., Tang Z.K.. Fabrication of nitrogen doped p-ZnO and ZnO light-emitting diodes on sapphire[C], 2008, 3038-3042.
Authors:  Wei Z.P.;  Lu Y.M.;  Shen D.Z.;  Zhang Z.Z.;  Yao B.; et al.
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Electroluminescence  LED  P-MBE  P-type ZnO