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顧頡剛與井上源吾論周公攝政稱王Gu Jiegang and Gengo Inoue discusses the regency and kingship of Duke Zhou Book chapter
出自: 東亞區域意識的建構史Dongya Quyu Yishi de Jiangoushi (The history of the construction of regional consciousness in East Asia):China Social Science Literature Press, 2024, 页码:189-205
Authors:  Zhao Gui Yang;  Yan YAO;  Maemorita
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顾颉刚  井上源吾  周公  摄政称王  
《鶡冠子》甄論HeGuanZi Zhen Lun Book
楊兆貴. 《鶡冠子》甄論HeGuanZi Zhen Lun[M]. 北京:中國社科文獻出版社China Social Science Literature Press, 2023.
Authors:  楊兆貴
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鶡冠子, 先秦諸子,道家,成書年代