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A Predictive Model Based on TripAdvisor Textual Reviews: Early Destination Recommendations for Travel Planning Journal article
Zhang, Yating, Tan, Hongbo, Jiao, Qi, Lin, Zhihao, Fan, Zesen, Xu, Dengming, Xiang, Zheng, Law, Rob, Zheng, Tianxiang. A Predictive Model Based on TripAdvisor Textual Reviews: Early Destination Recommendations for Travel Planning[J]. SAGE Open, 2024, 14(2), 21582440241246434.
Authors:  Zhang, Yating;  Tan, Hongbo;  Jiao, Qi;  Lin, Zhihao;  Fan, Zesen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:2.0/2.3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Travel Proposition  Destination Recommendation System  Choice Set  Deep Learning  Social Media  
Practical model with strong interpretability and predictability: An explanatory model for individuals' destination prediction considering personal and crowd travel behavior Journal article
Zhao,Juanjuan, Ye,Jiexia, Xu,Minxian, Xu,Chengzhong. Practical model with strong interpretability and predictability: An explanatory model for individuals' destination prediction considering personal and crowd travel behavior[J]. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, 2020, 35(18), e6151.
Authors:  Zhao,Juanjuan;  Ye,Jiexia;  Xu,Minxian;  Xu,Chengzhong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:1.5/1.5 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Crowd Behavior  Discrete Choice Model  Individual Destination Prediction  Neural Network  
When and Where to Travel? A Longitudinal Multilevel Investigation on Destination Choice and Demand Journal article
Wong, Ip Kin Anthony, Law, Rob, Zhao, Xinyuan (Roy). When and Where to Travel? A Longitudinal Multilevel Investigation on Destination Choice and Demand[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2017, 56(7), 868-880.
Authors:  Wong, Ip Kin Anthony;  Law, Rob;  Zhao, Xinyuan (Roy)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:8.0/9.7 | Submit date:2021/11/17
Cannibalism  Destination Choice  Distance Decay  Economic Situation  Travel Behavior  Travel Career  
Antecedents of Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions: The Role and Influence of Tourists’ Perceived Freedom of Choice, Destination Image, and Satisfaction Journal article
Liu, Xiaoming (Rose), Li, Jun (Justin), Fu, Yi (David). Antecedents of Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions: The Role and Influence of Tourists’ Perceived Freedom of Choice, Destination Image, and Satisfaction[J]. Tourism Analysis, 2016, 21(6), 577-588.
Authors:  Liu, Xiaoming (Rose);  Li, Jun (Justin);  Fu, Yi (David)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:1.4/1.9 | Submit date:2019/10/17
Perceived Freedom Of Choice  Behavioral Intentions  Satisfaction  Destination Image