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Scalable coding of stream cipher encrypted images via adaptive sampling Conference paper
Jiantao Zhou, Oscar C. Au. Scalable coding of stream cipher encrypted images via adaptive sampling[C], 2015, 5522-5526.
Authors:  Jiantao Zhou;  Oscar C. Au
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Image Compression Over Encrypted Domain  Scalable Image Coding  
Scalable compression of stream cipher encrypted images through context-adaptive sampling Journal article
Jiantao Zhou, Oscar C. Au, Guangtao Zhai, Yuan Yan Tang, Xianming Liu. Scalable compression of stream cipher encrypted images through context-adaptive sampling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2014, 9(11), 1857-1868.
Authors:  Jiantao Zhou;  Oscar C. Au;  Guangtao Zhai;  Yuan Yan Tang;  Xianming Liu
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Adaptive Sampling  Image Compression  Scalable Coding  Signal ProcessIng In Encrypted domaIn