Human baristas and robot baristas: How does brand experience affect brand satisfac.. |
Hwang, J |
1194 |
Plant DNA barcoding: From gene to genome |
Li, Xiwen |
777 |
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, an.. |
Faming Wang |
763 |
Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids |
Liu J. |
752 |
Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand stu.. |
Gong, Yang |
751 |
Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported language learning: A study of AI.. |
Wang, X. |
747 |
Employee engagement, its antecedents and effects on business performance in hospit.. |
Liu, X. M. |
723 |
中外文学交流史: 中国-葡萄牙卷 |
姚風 |
709 |
Andrographolide derivative as STAT3 inhibitor that protects acute liver damage in .. |
Chen, Shao-Ru |
574 |
The effect of celebrity on brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, brand .. |
Kim, S. S |
428 |
Teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language to non-Chinese learners in mainla.. |
Yang (Frank) Gong |
406 |
Tourism in Hoi An, Vietnam: impacts, perceived benefits, community attachment and .. |
Raymond Adongo |
398 |
How CSR influences customer behavioural loyalty in the Chinese hotel industry |
Matthew Tingchi Liu |
380 |
Exploration of the successful glocalization of ethnic food: a case of Korean food |
Hwang, J |
345 |
People-to-People Exchanges |
Li, Yichao |
324 |
Perceived benefits, perceived risk, and trust: Influences on consumers' group buyi.. |
Tingchi Liu M. |
322 |
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics |
Duarte, Paulo |
322 |
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics for .. |
Chen, Jia Hang |
311 |
中巴合作與巴西問題研究 |
Jatobá, Júlio Reis |
305 |
Translation and Linguistics |
Zhang MF(張美芳) |
286 |
Innovative marketing strategies for the successful construction of drone food deli.. |
Choe, J. Y. J |
277 |
Applying consumer-based brand equity in luxury hotel branding |
Matthew Tingchi Liu |
276 |
影响估差:京湘新闻人中的第三者效应和第一者因素 |
彭雪华 |
271 |
Language teachers’ identity in teaching intercultural communicative competence |
Gong, Yang Frank |
271 |
Innovative robotic restaurants in Korea: merging a technology acceptance model and.. |
Choe, J. Y. J |
262 |
Polymeric micelles drug delivery system in oncology |
Gong, J (Gong, Jian) |
252 |
Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis |
Shutian Luo |
243 |
Artificial intelligence research in hospitality: a state-of-the-art review and fut.. |
Law Rob |
235 |
Exploring perceived risk in building successful drone food delivery services |
Hwang, J |
234 |
翻譯研究的功能途徑:理論與應用 |
張美芳 |
232 |
Anti-cancer properties of terpenoids isolated from Rhizoma Curcumae - A review |
Lu, Jin-Jian |
231 |
Application of consumer innovativeness to the context of robotic restaurants |
Kim, J. J |
223 |
Total-Effect Test is Superfluous for Establishing Complementary Mediation |
Yingkai Jiang |
220 |
俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角 |
胡偉星 |
216 |
How are food value video clips effective in promoting food tourism? Generation Y v.. |
Kim, S. S |
215 |
The influence of transformational leadership on work engagement in the context of .. |
Si Chen |
215 |
网帖标题长度对点读和转发的影响—— 基于选择螺旋和适效信息理论的分析 |
趙心樹 |
214 |
An analysis of Chinese EFL students' use of first and second language in peer feed.. |
Yu S. |
206 |
音乐语录百科全书 |
陈芸 |
204 |
沉浸营销的渊源与发展刍议 |
龚思颖 |
200 |
Comparison studies of typing and handwriting in Chinese language learning: A synth.. |
Lyu, Boning |
195 |
Robust Image Forgery Detection Against Transmission over Online Social Networks |
Wu, Haiwei |
188 |
Effects of local food attributes on tourist dining satisfaction and future: The mo.. |
Kim, S. S |
179 |
中醫醫館在人工智能時代下的法律挑戰與對策 |
168 |
How to Empower Generation Z for Better Health? A Cross-Generational Analysis of He.. |
Lu, QF |
167 |
China’s Vision for a Future World Order and Its Implications for Global Governanc.. |
Song WQ(宋衛清) |
166 |
‘Prima iarnă cenușie. Ecocriticismul și literatura contemporană cu zombie’ |
HUGHES William |
165 |
Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey: hospitality industry in Maca.. |
Liu, Matthew Tingchi |
165 |
《英華韻府曆階》官話音系下粵、閩方言詞彙的收錄 |
徐宇航 |
163 |
Recent advances in wearable electromechanical sensors—Moving towards machine lear.. |
Nian Dai |
162 |
Closing the Gap between Hospitality Industry and Academia Research Agendas: An Exp.. |
158 |
The relationship between ICT and student literacy in mathematics, reading, and sci.. |
Xiang Hu |
155 |
Si Wu |
155 |
Chinese Social Media: Technology, Culture and Creativity |
Fitzgerald, R |
154 |
One country two systems: a comparative study of national identity between Hong Kon.. |
Cai, Tianji |
153 |
Health Communication through Positive and Solidarity Messages Amid the COVID-19 P.. |
Angela Chang |
153 |
意志與利益作為羅馬法尤斯(IUS)傳統的價值基礎初探 |
唐曉晴 |
151 |
Where west meets east: Cantonese-English code-switching in contemporary Macao orig.. |
Lei Ut Meng |
151 |
Novel zebrafish polycystic kidney disease models reveal functions of the hippo pat.. |
Ren, Zhiqin |
149 |
論漢字的表音功能 |
邵朝陽 |
149 |
The antecedents and consequences of memorable brand experience: Human baristas ver.. |
Hwang, J |
148 |
Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist's local food consumption .. |
Choe, J. Y. J |
147 |
课程改革中的教师能动性与教师身份认同——社会文化理论视野 |
高雪松 |
143 |
Simultaneously enantiospecific determination of (+)-trans-khellactone, (+/-)-praer.. |
Song, Yuelin |
142 |
选举的困境——民主制度及宪政改革批判 |
趙心樹 |
139 |
Do AI-powered mutual funds perform better? |
Chen, Rui |
136 |
“Light bearers” – Reflections on mentoring and being mentored |
Chan, Ka Lon |
136 |
Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Audio-Visual Signals |
Min, Xiongkuo |
134 |
Pitting corrosion behavior of friction-surfaced 17-4PH stainless steel coatings wi.. |
Guo, D. |
134 |
Macau gambling industry: current challenges and opportunities next decade |
Liu,Matthew Tingchi |
133 |
拉丁法系視野下的物權概念及物權與對人權(債權)的區分 |
Tong, I. C. |
133 |
European regulation model for herbal medicine: The assessment of the EU monograph .. |
Qu, Liping |
131 |
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled flexure-based XY parallel micromanipula.. |
Li Y. |
127 |
Optimized Multi-Agent Formation Control Based on an Identifier-Actor--Critic Reinf.. |
Wen, Guoxing |
125 |
Computer-Aided Formulation Design for a Highly Soluble Lutein-Cyclodextrin Multipl.. |
Zhao, Qianqian |
125 |
Construction of an individualized brain metabolic network in patients with advance.. |
Jie Yu |
125 |
The Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language: The Current .. |
Gong, Yang |
123 |
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on Macao. From tourism lockdown to tourism .. |
Glenn McCartney |
122 |
A Multimodal Saliency Model for Videos with High Audio-Visual Correspondence |
Xiongkuo Min |
120 |
Want versus need: How linguistic framing influences responses to crowdfunding appe.. |
Su Lei |
120 |
How to enhance the image of edible insect restaurants: Focusing on perceived risk .. |
Hwang, J |
119 |
書院制度下的「音樂教與學」社區服務學習項目--用黑與白描繪的色彩 |
劉沛棋 |
119 |
Cultural Adaptations to Environmental Variability: An Evolutionary Account of East.. |
Lei Chang |
118 |
How does mandatory IFRS adoption affect tax planning decision? Evidence from tax a.. |
Hongyan Sun |
118 |
Teachers' practices and beliefs about teaching writing: a comprehensive survey of .. |
Tien Ping Hsiang |
115 |
From Authenticity to Profilicity: A Critical Response to Roberto Simanowski and Ot.. |
Moeller, Hans-Georg |
115 |
Developing literacy or focusing on interaction: New Zealand students’ strategic e.. |
Yang, Gong |
114 |
Life history theory |
Chang, L. |
113 |
Research on Teaching Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language in and Outside Mainla.. |
Yang Gong |
112 |
Les dangers de la manipulation subliminale de l’IA |
Neuwirth, Rostam J. |
111 |
以識字為中心的課例研究:化地瑪聖母女子學校有效識字成果集 |
古文好 |
110 |
The influence of cognitive food image on tourists’ desire and intention to consum.. |
Zhang, J |
110 |
Adaptive consensus control for a class of nonlinear multiagent time-delay systems .. |
Chen C.L.P. |
108 |
We Agreed to Measure Agreement--Redefining Reliability De-justifies Krippendorff s.. |
Xinshu Zhao |
107 |
Chinese as a second language teachers’ cognition in teaching intercultural commun.. |
Yang Gong |
105 |
The Prohibition of ‘Subliminal Advertising’ in the Macao SAR: An Old Provision w.. |
105 |
The importance of information quality according to the type of employee in the air.. |
Hwang, J |
105 |
Tourist perceptions of local food: A mapping of cultural values |
Kim, S. S |
104 |
On Second-Order Observation and Genuine Pretending: Coming to Terms with Society |
Moeller, Hans-Georg |
104 |
美國亞利桑那州坦佩學區幼兒園與小學教學紀實 |
向天屏 |
102 |